Injured! Ryūnosuke Akutagawa x Reader - 「Reason to Live」

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Inspiration from BSD manga chapter 20~21:
Slight angst,


You liked plants. You liked antique calligraphies and paintings. You liked dogs. You liked tea.

You liked things that the "Silent Rabid Dog" didn't like and liked at the same time.

You were not part of "The Guild," nor a part of "Armed Detective Company," but a part of "Port Mafia."

You were strong, manipulative, gentle, fragile. A rare one to see in the dark world. You were like a torch to everyone, one of the few rare lights that the underground assassins got from their dark lives. You entertained them, made them smile, made them feel warm - even if it was for a short time period. You were the one that even Ougai Mori took a liking towards, one that Yumeno Kyusaku was childish (like a normal one) to.

Dare say flower of the Mafia?

Your radiance was like a sun, their attraction towards you were like a sunflower. But there was a lonely sunflower apart from the field of sunflowers that was affected most by that radiance you had. It was Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, otherwise known as the Silent Rabid Dog. And there was a reason why he was affected the most. You and he knew each other even before you both joined Port Mafia. After all, you were with him when he and you first saw Dazai, escaping from the dreaded day you longed to forget, even after years had passed.

In the cold and lonely and depressing area, you stuck with him whenever he was badmouthed by heartless adults. You stuck with him whenever he was beaten into a pulp - so bad he couldn't even walk properly, you stuck with him whenever he was in danger. To your surprise, he himself stuck with you whenever you were in danger, stuck with you when you had rare breakdowns, stuck with you when you had a rare moment to smile broadly, genuinely. He stuck and killed any men who approached towards you in an ulterior motive.

You both leaned each other for both physical and mental support involuntarily when you both were in a pinch.

And like that, years of devotion towards the said emotionless boy eventually led you to become the closest one that Akutagawa ever had, first one for him to feel anything else than hatred and respect, an emotion that he couldn't quite place with words yet...


Ah. With a flinch, the raven-haired man looked up, drifting away from his past recollections.

Looking up, Akutagawa faced your eyes that were looking down at his dull steel gray ones with worry. Realizing the reason why you were looking at him like that, Akutagawa lightly huffed.

"Tis nothing."

But he couldn't help to cough out a handful of blood due to the internal damage he still had from the attack he got from Atsushi Nakajima.

Damn him.

"You aren't okay, Ryu. You pushed yourself too hard in killing Margaret Mitchell and Nathaniel Hawthorne. C'mere. I'll help you back," you gently cooed, gracefully strolling towards the said injured male.

Once you were near enough him, you sat down on the rubble, gently pulling Akutagawa towards your embrace as you untied his dress shirts that were decorated with a layered ruffled fabric along with his white cravat -- one that you gifted him. Deathly pale abdomen with decently toned muscles entered your sight along with disturbing sight of blood oozing out from the freshly opened wound he still couldn't recover from. Clenching your teeth in anger, you tried to calm your disliking you were growing towards the young tiger lad -- because after all, he had his own situation that he had to take care, and you weren't going to ignore that. But still...

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