Party Part . 1

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Point Of View ; Carmella

Day ; Wedensday

I woke up in Dwanye's arms . I fluttered my eyes open seeing Dwayne looking down at me . I smiled at him . He kissed me passonaitely as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist , causing him to pull me closer as my chest pressed up against is . I smiled through the kiss as he pulled me on top of him . I pulled my legs up to where my knee caps were to his waist . he rubbed up my legs and rested his hands on my ass . He Bit my lip asking for an entrance and I gladly let him in . We pulled away from each other as I blushed putting my head down .

"Ummmm . Imma watch T.V ." I said , getting up only to get pulled down by Dwayne .

"Soo you fucking and ducking now?" He asked , causing me to laugh .

"No . " I said , as he sat up on the bed board and rested his hands under my butt .

"Mhm . Wh-- " He got cut off by his phone ringing ." I gotta take this ." He says , as I nodded and got up .

He turned his back towards . I went and wrapped my legs and arms around him . He sounded angry and hung up the phone . He stood up and changed into some Tru's , white V-Neck , and some Grape 5's . I got up as he slid on his gold chain . He grabbed one of his keys . I stood by the room door as he stopped and turned around . He came and lifted me up , and gave me rough but passoniate kiss , I kissed back , wrapping my legs around his waist . He placed me down .

"Bye Boo . Call me if you need me ." He says .

"Okay . Bye." I said , plopping on the couch .

Point Of View ; Dwayne

Day ; Wedensday

I pulled up to my Trap House as DJ greeted me . I dapped him.

"What's soo important that y'all pulled me away from my girl." I say , taking a seat , and smoking my blunt .

"Look . Nigga . Some Goons robbed and jumped Tae while he was saleing last night ." DeeBoy said .

"Fuck ! Is Tae Good? " I asked .

"Hell Nawl ! That Nigga Hospital Bound ! "Damion said .

"Damn. So He coming with is to deal with A ?" I asked .

"Nawl . Its Just , You , Me , Damion , and DeeBoy . At this party . Thd others got baby mama drama !" Latrail said , causing us to laugh .

"True , True ." I say .

"Soo you bringing Ms.Mella ?" DeeBoy asks.

"Yeapp . Can't leave her at home ." I say .

"Mmm. Okay . But , you go out to DeeDee crew house . Because, that Nigga always had war with Tae." Latrail say .

"I'm coming with you ." DeeBoy say .

"Dueces . " Me & Damion say as I get in the car .

Point Of View ; Carmella

Day ; Wedensday .

I was getting bored , so I decided to call Dwayne . He picked up the phone on the 3rd ring .

"Wassup , Bae ?" He asked .

"I'm bored . When are you coming home ?" I asked .

"Soon . Just let me handle some Buisness ." He said .

"Okay ." I said .

"And get dressed , were going to a party tonight. " He said .

"Okay . Love you ." He said .

"I love you too ." I said , hanging up .

I walked upstairs , and placed my phone on the charger by my dresser . I walked into the bathroom and ran the bath water . I added some bubbles , as I stripped out of my clothes and slowly got into the tub . I played with bubbles for a while then bathed and shaved myself . I got out the bath tub , and wrapped a towel around me . I dried off , as I walked into my closet I picked out my outfit (to the side) . I curled my hair and dropped the towel and folded it and hung it on the door . I slide in my bra and panties . I walked over to my outfit and slid my butt into that mini skirt , then fitted my crop top on . I sat on the bed and slid on my blue elite socks and then my jordans . I but satchel on and put my phone and money inside of it . I walked downstairs and turned on the T.V .

Point Of View ; Dwayne

We busted into DeeDee's house , to see him and his boys sitting there . They looked at us as if they had just pissed in their pants . I shot two in the leg and DeeBoy punched one in the head with his gun . I just shot him . Then DeeBoy handled the rest . Ain't nobody got time for talking and yelling . Me & DeeBoy ran back to the car and drove off . I dropped DeeBoy off at home and then I pulled into my garage . I walked into the house and saw Carmella . She stood up and I was speechless . That ass , that figure , and her beauty . She ran into my arms and gave me a hug , as I laughed . She looked up at me and smiled .

"You ready ?" I ask .

"Yea ." She said , walking over to the T.V and turning it off . I couldn't help but , look at all of that ass .

"Alright , come on ." I said , as she walked out and I followed behind her . I locked the door and opened the door for her so , she could in . I walked over and got in and drove off .

She put my Drake cd and started nodding her head to the music and started dancing to the music causing me to laugh .

"What's so funny ?" She asked , and stopped dancing .

"You ." I said .

She rolled her eye . "Whatever don't me mad because , you don't have the moves like me!" She said , as I chuckled .

"Mhm . We will see ." I say , pulling up to the hotel , where the party is going to be .

We both get out . I wrap my arm around my waist as I say my name and walk in the building . I went over to see my homeboys at this bar . We walked over to it , as I sat down .

"Wassup fam !" I say dapping , them .

"She is bad as fuck !" Latrail says , causing Mella to chuckle .

"Welp , she's mine . " I say .

"I know , I know . " Latrail says . "Ayee Me, Damion , and DeeBoys girlfriends are right over there dancing . Pogo chill with them." He finished .

"Okay . " She said , and walked away .

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