Chapter 8: Shopping and Bad Memories

Start from the beginning

I hit the floor. Liam turned around and quickly knelt down to my side, helping me sit up. I rub my head.

"Oh my god Hannah I'm so sorry I thought you were awake!"
Liam says feeling guilty.

"It's okay I just had a head rush and blacked out for a second."
I say rubbing my head. Louis came running up the stairs and saw me sitting on the floor holding my head.

"Hannah! What happened!?"
He says running down to my side.

"Wasn't Liam holding you? Did you drop her Liam?!"
Louis asks.

"No no he didn't drop me Louis. When I was standing a had a head rush and I clacked out a little and fell. Liam didn't do anything."
I explain.

"Oh okay, sorry Liam I wasn't accusing you."
Louis says guilty.

"No well I was supposed to be holding her it was my fault I thought she was awake."
Liam says looking down.

"Guys it was nobody's fault I'm just very clumsy as you all know."
I say laughing at myself. I had a pounding headache. Louis helped me up and we went inside.

I was sitting at the counter and Louis handed me some aspirin and a glass of water. I looked up at him and smiled. He always knows what I need. I take the pill and lay my head down on the cold granite. Louis comes over and lays his head next to mine.

"Could I get you some coffee or tea?"
He says, his face smoothed on the counter. I laugh loudly.

"Uum I'll have some coffee please!"
I say lifting my head up.

"Will do!"
He says stroking my cheek and pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. I blush.

I get my coffee and drink it fast waiting for the caffeine to kick in.

"Oh wait we never set the fire place and made s'mores!"
Niall yelled from the living room. I opened my eyes wide and all the memories of fire kicked in. I had a severe fear of them after the horrible incident. I start hyperventilating, but not loud enough for people to hear. Louis was washing dishes and my whole body was shaking.

"Oh yeah! I'll grab the lighter and you grab the food."
Says Liam. I don't know what to do at this point. I can't freak out, I've done that one too many times. And I can't tell them to stop because it's their apartment and I would just be ruining the fun. I start freaking out and look around anxiously, I let out little moans everytime I breathed out and I was trying to catch my breath. Louis turns off the sink and you can here me loud and clear. He looks over concerned and rushed toward me.

"Hannah what's the matter?! Are you okay?"
He says grabbing me. I can't stop shaking.

"Uuum I..."
I say whining and shaky.

"Hannah, ssshh just tell me, it's okay, you're alright."
He says trying to calm me down.

"I-I can't calm down because I don't want everything to burn down and everyone die and I'm the only one alive and I have to live without you all so please tell them to stop setting the fire and I can't I just I need to.. Eehhh "
I ramble really fast and mumble my words.

"Han-hannah! Slow down I can't understand you, take a deep breath."
I breathe in and shakely breathe out.

"Louis it's the fire, I just can't do fires they, I just have a bad experience with them, I'm sorry I know s'mores seem really fun but the fire is too much I'm sorry."
I whisper to him. He puts his finger to my lip shushing me.

"Awe, babe it's totally fine, that's all you had to say! We can just heat them up in the oven, no problem."
He kisses my forehead and gives me a long hug. I rest my body onto his shoulder and grab his back tightly. He lets go and grabs my hand leading me towards the living room.

" uh guys, how about we heat the marshmallows in the oven and we can just cook them in there?"
Suggests Louis. I grab his hand tightly and turn away toward the wall so they can't see me. I see his head nod toward me, out of the corner of my eye and the boys agree with him and go into the kitchen.

After eating the s'mores, we settle in the lounge to watch a movie. We watched Pitch Perfect because it was the only thing on. It was now about 12:30 at midnight and everyone was asleep. I was only half asleep as I still wanted to finish the movie. I fell asleep not long after that though.

{Hannah's dream/ back flash}

"Mom!!! Dad!!"

I scream, I was in my house it was November 14, the day my house burned down and took my parents with it, all the memories the whole thing just replayed in my mind. I screamed some more and cried some more, feeling my skin burn away and my voice cracking from the ashes I inhaled. Clinging to my brother we both started yelling. My whole body was drenched in sweat, me and Kyle made it out but after that he went to college and we haven't spoken since the disaster.I could never forget the feeling when I made it out alive and my parents didn't. I wasn't supposed to survive, everything would've been easier if I hadn't. Although I would never have met Louis which is something that I can never live without.

{ Hannah wakes up }

I wake up to Louis shaking me , again, and I was drenched in sweat and tears. I look at the clock. It was 2:45am and I had probably woken up all the boys with my screams , AGAIN.

"Baby, baby sssssshhhh it's okay. Hey I've got you, just another bad dream. I'm sorry you have to go through this love I'm so sorry."
He holds me close and squeezes me like he was never going to let go. Tears stream down my face and I shake.

"Do you want to tell me what the dream was about? Han? Maybe it would help by telling me."
He suggests. I let go and look at him with big eyes. He strokes my head and whipped the tears from my eyes. I take a deep breath and shake off my feelings.

"Um, well I never told you this but my parents died... A.... Year ago and it was pretty bad how they died."
I say choking back tears. I take another deep breath and get ready to tell him the story. He is so focused on me and doesn't leave my eye contact.

"So um I was in my house in New York with my parents and my brother and I was visiting from college. My dad was making dinner and I don't know what happened a fire just started and he was trying to put it out... It.... It spread and trapped my parents in separate rooms. I got to say goodbye but it happened too fast and I wasn't supposed to make it out alive but me and my brother did but haven't spoke since ."
I say, the tears now pouring out. Louis was crying too I think though it was dark and hard to tell.

"I'm sorry,
I hate always being sad with you and I don't know how someone as amazing as you could ever like a train wreck like me."
I say through heavy silent tears.He was crying, I saw him wipe his eyes then he grabbed my chin and looked into my eyes.

"Hannah don't you EVER be sorry, and sometimes it's good to be sad and let it all out. And no Hannah I don't like you."
He says, I frown in confusion.

"I love you."
He says. My heart drops and the tears slow down. I lunge my lips towards his and they crash together moving perfectly with each other.

"I love you too."
I say with breaks between kisses. We keep kissing for a while. My eyes were squinted shut because I had been crying and I was exhausted. We laid back down, my body resting on his chest. I still let out small cries into his chest. He was holding me tight and rubbing my arm, trying to calm me down. Before I know it, I'm asleep in top of Louis.
----------------------------------------------HEYY so sorry this chapter is a little late I've been pretty busy. But I see that my story got some new reads!! Yaaay lol but hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and chapter 9 might be up soon!!

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