Chapter One - Forgetfulness Taken Over

Start from the beginning

Samantha nods and walks away, waving at me. We both smile at each other, and I grab both of our lunches and head out of the door. When I arrive outside for recess, I immediately head towards the bench Samantha and I always sit at. Occasionally, other girls in the class will join us, and start up a game. Our class is so nice, however, many of the nice people in our class will be moving schools next year. My mom doesn't want to move until I reach my highschool years. I scratch the back of my neck, and spot Samantha walking out of the school doors and heading up to our go-to bench. I smile as I see her waving, and picking up speed as she sees me.

"Hey! What took you so long? What was that about?" I ask with curiosity. She looks at me startled. She blinks and doesn't say a word. "Euh, Samantha?" I look at her, waiting for an answer, but she just sits there, blinking.

"Oh, sorry! I was zoned out for a minute. It only took long because so many people kept coming in the classroom and interupting the conversation. It was about my donation." she exclaims, looking away, at the sky.

"Donation? Donation for what? I could help." I suggest. I pat down the spot beside me on the bench, and she sits down after hesitating to do so.

"The Jump Rope For Heart Foundation," she stops staring out to the sky and looks at me. "What have you been doing while I was gone?" Gone? Like when she was having her conversation inside the classroom with our teacher talking about a donation? Oh . . . I don't know. Sitting here? Thinking?

"Euh . . . sitting here, thinking I guess." I spoke truthfully. She gives me a confused look.

"That's it? No one came to chat with you or play a game? Wow, girl." she says, looking around. "Where is the rest of our class anyways?" I aleady spotted them earlier while I was thinking to myself. However, for some reason, I can't spot them anymore. They must've run off doing something else. I mean, to be honest, it's hard to find people on this playground because of the size. That's the whole reason why Samantha and I made a place to meet up.

"I'm not sure, but yeah. You guessed it. I was here, by myself. No one came around." I said, giving a small huff. She starts to stare back at the sky again. I look up, too. The clouds look like a small herd of horses.

She gives a small snort, and says, "Heh . . strange. Well, recess is almost over. What do you want to do?" I look at her. She never asked me what we wanted to do at recess. She would always choose herself. I thought for a moment. I had no idea of what we should do.

"Doesn't matter to me."


Dellilah, a girl in my class approaches my desk during a test. No one even seems go notice that she even stood up, or even bothered to tilt their head up. Everyone was still, and blurry around me, exept for Dellilah and I. She smirked as she stopped in front of me.

"What'cha doing?" she says, giggling. She had a high pitch voice. I've never really talked to her since she was just that "other girl" in the class that didn't pay attention to me. I looked up at her, and set my pencil down. On the dark green board behind her, it said "Homework Due Today".

"Trying to do my test," I responded, reaching into my bag, feeling for a crumpled piece of homework. As I was in my bag, I could still see Dellilah's feet in front of my desk. What did she want? She never just comes up to me and asks me stuff. She's acting sort of like a best friend that cares about what you're doing for no reason. Samantha.

"Emily," I look up and see her glaring at me. I pull my hand out of my bag, and stand, pushing my chair farther behind me.



"What?" I nearly yell.

"Emily!" I cover my face and groan. Someone is shaking me. I push the person off and sit up. Sit up?, I think. I was just standing . . .

"Hey!" says the voice. I snap my eyes open. It's my mom. "Get up. Time for school." How long has she been shaking me to get me awake? I had a dream. I don't remember it anymore, but I know for sure that one of my classmates were talking to me. It was either Sara, Jennifer, or Dellilah. I can't imagine it being anyone else with such red hair.

I swiftly get up from bed, stripping myself, and then putting on a nice summer dress for today. I wasn't always one to wear dresses, but hey, we don't have gym class today, so really, it's now or next week. Haha.

When I finish brushing my teeth and hair, I sit at the kitchen table and patiently wait for my cereal. "So how was your sleep, darling?" my mother pours the milk into the bowl, and I watch the cereal pieces rise with the milk to just below the brim of the bowl.

"Well, I had a dream. I completely forget it too. All I really remember is . . ." I hesitate, thinking about the dream. "Someone was talking to me, they had red hair. I forget where, but someone, I think a girl was." My mom drops a spoon into the bowl with a clink and sets down the cereal in front of me.

"Huh," she says. "Well . . . You're not the only one to forget the majority of their dreams. Some people don't even remember having a dream. Everyone has a dream, though. Every night. Trust me, darling. Your momma would know."

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am, darling." she smiles.

My mom looks at the clock and picks up speed in her pace. "Hun, we gotta get you to the bus. It'll be here any minute now." I get up, and grab my bag that I already packed last night, and head out the door with my sandals on. My mother follows and slips on her runners and we both head out in front of our house. Just in time, I think as the bus pulls up in front of us. I head forward, and whip my head around and wave at my mom. She waves back and blows me a kiss. I smile, and step up onto the bus. I walk down the aisle and take a seat next to Samantha.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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