we're descending.

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We were once told to never give up,

If you ever gave up on something that only meant you didn't want it bad enough.

And if you want something badly, then you will do whatever you must to make sure you get it.

But have you ever been told that people take 1 step forwards and 2 steps back?

Have you ever seen something seem to proceed only to hit a standstill and retreat again?

Well imagine that happening to someone over and over again,

1 forward, 2 back

1 forward, 2 back

1 forward, 2 back

1 forward, 2 back until they're all the way back at the starting line.

Imagine someone receiving small accomplishments, sure that the few setbacks they receive are only going help them once they finally get where they want to be.

But all of those bigger setbacks are adding up and overshadowing the small advances.

Those setbacks that didn't get to you in the beginning are slowly weighing you down and you yourself, you're almost out of time to make everything right.

And finally you wonder why you were once always told not to give up.

Why are we pushed to endure the constant stress that comes with ultimately reaching our goals when there are so many alternatives.

The only thing left to do is pray for a miracle on the day you feel the most helpless,

pray and apologize for not praying this entire time,

for not thinking that bad things can't happen to you because many have not before,

for thinking that because you've always seemed to be all good that you'd continue to be all good and still be able to swerve around your problems like you always have.

1 step forward,

2 steps back,

And yet I'm not sure if any of these steps are taking me anywhere but backwards nowadays.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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