the memory comes back

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I own nothing

Kyoya's point of view

"Are you sure this thing is safe?"I asked as I looked at it. "You and Ginga will test it,so I don't know goood luck!"Dogie said as some one pushed us in. "What why me!"I yelled as I struggled to get out, but to fall limp as I plumed into my mind." I got a bad feeling about this,"Ginga said as he joined me.

I opened my eyes to see a type writer in front of me. I See that I'm tied to a chair that looks old and really familiar just like the house. I can't see Ginga anywhere and realized that my Leages not touching the ground like they would. My eyes widen as I realized that this is not a nightmare, but is a memory. Why this memory why!

"Hello again Kyoya it's good to see you!" No IT'S HIM."NO!" I screamed.

Ginga's point of view

Still no sign of Kyoya and all I see is old book shelves with loads of books."I wonder what all these have to do with Kyoya?" As soon as I finished the sentence I heard a scream from the upstairs. I knew that voice anywhere it had to be Kyoya." KYOYA!"I called as I ran up the stairs. I came to a room to see him chained to a blood socked chair with a typewriter in front of him. I looked at his face as I unchained him.

His eyes were closed,but I could see that he was scared of something. No tarafied he was tarafied. I noticed that he doesn't look like a teen, but looks like he is 9 or 8." Ginga is that you?" He sqiked. He's eyes went wide in a second and he grabbed my arm.

I heard something fall in the hall. I was about to go out the door,but Kyoya grabbed my hand stopping me from opening the door. He stared at me pleading for me not to go and leave him. I was quit surprised that he didn't want me to go." If you leave you might not come back don't leave me like the others did!" He said head down and let go of my hand.

"Others what others Kyoya what is going on?" I had to ask. This was not a nightmare and Kyoya is the victim of this whole twisted plot. "T-the others that were trapped b-by h-him!" He trembled. "Come out kid its time to join the others!" I sael kyoya's eyes widen again as he hugged me crying. He shouldn't have to go through this again. I grabbed him and hide. "Come out brat!" "Its your last warning to stop the punishment from becoming worse!"

'"Madoka come in are you there!"I whispered yelled into the mick, but no answer. "You won't be needing this now will you!" The thing that Kyoya is so afraid of is right in front of me. It looks like he has five mouths and is all blood socked. I got up and ran with Kyoya on my back.

I looked for an exit but there is non. I forgot this is in our minds great. I can hear that thing calling as I put Kyoya down in a secret place. I went to district him but Kyoya grabbed my arm in a steal grip. "Don't go you won't make it alone!" I cut him off " Kyoya I can't let you get hurt so stay here okey !"

I ran to where he was. "You can't hide him forever I will get my revench!" "You won't hurt my friend what did he do to you!"I asked. "He was the one that trapped me here for 11 years and took everything that I had away!" "I will make him miserable by taking what is the most imported to him - which is you right now!"he yelled as he reached to get me.

Kyoya's point of view

I can't let him take Ginga and get the punishment that was made for me. I ran out and pushed him out of the way. "Kyoya what are you doing!"he said as I get socked in. "I'm not letting you get the punishment that was
Meant for me I will by fine Ginga!" "I won't be dead I'll just be in his world for a bit OK I'll come back!" I showed him a big smile as I made him let go of me.

Ginga's point of view

"Kyoya!"I whispered as the portal disappeared with Kyoya. I soon wake up to see the room empty and Kyoya laying in the other chair. I got up to see Kyoya not moving. "I guess this means that he's in the other place now." "He will be back I know it!"I said as I picked him up to take him back to the others."I wonder what the others will think when they see him not moving?"

Hope you enjoyed :-)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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