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As a human we always seem to forget that we're living in the real world . Facing the same things that everyone else deal with [ even celebrities] but just contemn differently. We weren't made to be perfect , You weren't made to be perfect . Its okay , it is perfectly fine to make mistakes . Anyone who has a stable mind would know . I know .

You don't have to always keep up a façade . You'll only hurt and break yourself down trying to keep up [with the lies you try to tell yourself] . Don't let the things around you , the people around you control or alter who you become in your future . Let your past problems , mistakes , and failures become opportunities .

The only thing that make you perfect is your mistakes . That's the learning process . How are you ever going to learn if you don't [ FUCK UP ] . Your mistakes , make you the person you are today , but what you do after you make those mistake is what you'll become in the future . Your Future . You can't let somebody else be you.

Only YOU can change that , maybe guidance is what you need along the way but YOU will make the difference . Keep pushing , keep going . It'll only go up from here , I can promise you that .

So listen , if you don't have nobody . You have me , right here right now . I'm here , I'm real and I'll listen to you , I can't tell you what to do or even how to do it . But I'll listen , and give you love . Even if you don't need it , I just want you to know . If you dip everything gold trying to make it perfect , it'll never grow . And you'd never know what could've been .

my words through your ears , take it or leave it .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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