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All the girls huddle around their parents for the last time. It was time to say their finally good-byes at the police station two weeks later. Kay was taking it the hardest. Karen and Alex tried comforting their kids the best way they know how.

"Please stop crying Kay, we talked about this." Karen said wiping her own tears.

"I'm going to miss y'all." Kay said.

"We going to miss you too." Alex said to Kay.

"Zach take care your sisters. Remember what we talk about." Karen looked at Zach who nodded her head. A tear slipped out her eyes.

Ally and Jelly hold hands and leaned against each other. While B stood off by herself.

"We love you girls." Karen said and hugged each one of her girls.

"We love you too mom." The girls said in unison.

Alex looked at his girls, he tried not to show emotions, but it was hard considering the fact he about to separated from his wife, and his kids. He hugged Jelly first, that's when she really broke down. She hold her father and cried into his chest. She didn't want to let him go. Then Alex moved on to Ally, she broke down too. His two girls who was a daddy's girl. He then hugged the rest of his girls. He whispered something in B ear.

"Be happy." He said, B nodded and a tear slipped out her eyes, for the first time.

Karen and Alex hugged each other and kissed for the last time. Before walking in the police station. Their girls stood  outside the police station holding each other. Until the went their separate ways.


Zach entered her apartment her parents helped her get a week ago. She walked in her room, and laid across her bed. She closed her eyes just as she heard her name call.

"Zach!" B yelled.

"In my room." Zach yelled out.

"Turn on the news. They have mom and dad on about ten channels." B said turning on Zach TV.

Just this afternoon Karen and Alex Myers turned themselves in. You all remember Alex and Karen, the next Bonnie and Clyde. Killed over a hundred people for money. What sick people they are, I wouldn't even show them sympathy. Hope they give them the death penalty. It's looks to me like Karen Myers in pregnant also. There be more on this topic once we learn more. Thank you and goodnight.

"I should go find her white ass and beat the fuck out of her." B said angry.

"She needs to get fired for that." Zach shook her head.

"Wait here is another one." B said.

What a sad situation right now. Just early this afternoon Karen and Alex Myers turned themselves into the police after everyone thought they were dead from the jet being blown up a few months back. That's not the case at all. It looked like they have went into hiding, and came back with a baby on the way. What a shocker to everyone. I wonder how the judge would take this. More then likely Karen and Alex will not be getting off easily. More on the story when we learn more. Thank you and goodnight.

"Well that one was a little better. I guess." B said with a shrugged.

"This hurts you know?" Zach said to B.

"Yeah I know, but nothing we can change right now. I just feel like they did the right thing in turning themselves in. I know mom might have to be protected in jail, with being pregnant and all." B said.

"I guess, how do you like your new apartment?" Zach asked B.

"It's cool. It just me though, by myself. I miss you, and the others." B laid on her back. "Do you have food?"

"Uhh no, I haven't went grocery shopping yet. You need to go home and eat your own food." Zach said.

"Nope, I have none either." B laughed.

"Let's go shopping now, while our minds on it."

"Sure thing." B said sitting up.

Just as they were about to walk out the door reporters where every where. Zach closed and lock the door.

"How the hell they know where I live?" Zach asked B.

"I have no idea, but do you have a baseball bat. They will move out the damn way, once I start swinging on they asses." B said and Zach burst out laughing.

"No chill at all, let's just wait it out." Zach said.


Kay laid on her couch, while Justin rubbed her feet. Her front door open and Belle walked in with Cordell.

"Tell me why a gang of reporters outside your house." Belle said, as Cordell walked to Kay kitchen.

"Man Kay where the food?" Cordell looked in the refrigerator. Belle just shook her head. It always her boyfriend coming to people house looking in their refrigerator for some food. Kay just rolled her eyes.

"I didn't even know reporters where out there. I couldn't even bring myself to look at the news." Kay said.

"Shit, I want to see. Where the remote?" Cordell asked. Cordell turned on the TV.

.... Hello this is Christina Miller, coming to you live at the police station where you can see for yourself, the next Bonnie and Clyde. Karen and Alex Myers has turned themselves in. It's looks like Miss Karen is sporting a baby bump in front of her. It doesn't look good for them at all. Not even a lawyer can help them with this. You can see where Karen and Alex are having a moment before they be shipped away. Let's take a look.

(Inside police station)

"I love you so much." Karen cried into Alex chest.

"I love you too. Take care yourself and our baby for me." Alex said. Karen just cried into his chest and hold on to him, until police guards pulled them apart and handcuffed them.

And there you have it people , that heartbroken moment between husband and wife. Thank you and goodnight.

Kay was crying yet again, and Justin was ready to beat the hell out of Cordell for it..

"I just got her to stop crying man." Justin glared at Cordell.

"My bad." Cordell said, and Belle was just shaking her head.


"Alex you feeling okay?" Jelly asked Alex as Alex laid on her couch. Alex was staying with Jelly for the time being.

"Yes I'm feeling fine. I just miss mom and dad." Alex said.

"Don't we know." Jelly mumbled. "When is Shy coming over?"

"After her boyfriend leaves her house. Her sister not home, so she taking advantage of it." Alex smirked.

"Uhh eww, little nasty." Jelly said. Alex laughed.

"Are you cooking tonight?" Alex asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I can invite the sisters over too." Jelly said. "If I decides to cook."

"That will work, you know Kay might not come, she going to shut us out again." Alex sighed.

"Oh well, I don't care. I have my own life to live, I'm not worrying about if she do or don't." Jelly sat down.

"Me either." Alex said.

They remain quiet after that.


Okay the ending sucked, lol. But this is the ending. Check out book two! It's call SisterHood Too: Things Never Change.

Thank you all. I don't have a speech right now, sorry. But thanks for you all for your support. I love you all dearly


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