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I told Stacey all about The Lucas thing and she told me that I was gonna be wonderful all on my own she gave me her mumber if I needed anything else

Marlene faithyn and I we're all in the car about to drive away

Wommy where's waddy
Marlene asked


I was cut off by faithyn

He had to go somewhere but he'll be back
She said while grabbing Marlene hand and holding it smiling

She's such a good big sister

I started the car and drove away while frozen was playing on the radio


We were all in the house now we just got back

Thank you wommy for taking me to rucky cheeses for my birthday I had fun
Marlene said smiling

Well baby girl the fun isn't over yet because......WERE GONNA WATCH INSIDE OUT!
I yelled while smiling

She said while jumping up and down

well now you can but first...bath time!
I said while picking both of them up

I started to tickle them and they both started laughing and smiling

I love my baby girls


Faithyn and Marlene took there baths and got in there pajamas

This is faithyn Pajamas

TThis is Marlene pajamas

And this is my pajamas

We all sat down and watched inside out

2 hours later

Marlene and faithyn fell asleep on the couch I decided to lay there with them were all gonna sleep on the couch tonight because I love them and mostly because I'm to tired

My phone buzzed

Riley:hey peaches are you okay we haven't talked in a while❤😭

Maya:yes riles I'm okay how about we meet up tomorrow and I'll bring faithyn and Marlene and you could bring farkle and we will all go out to tapangas 💜💜

Riley:what about Lucas

Maya:umm...he cheated on me so I left him at chucky e cheeses

Riley:omg peaches I am so sorry do you want me to beat him up I got this 😠😠😠😠😠😠

I laughed so hard

Maya: yeah let's beat him up tomorrow 😠😠😠😠😠

Riley:okay I love you with all my heart peaches💜💜💜💘

Maya:I love you to riles always with all my Heart💜💜💜💘💘💞

I put my phone down and fell asleep

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