“I just want her safe. I don’t care who’s out to get her and why. I just want her safe dammit!” I yelled shooting up. The chair that I was sitting on fell to the floor behind me and the table dragged forward the slightest.

"Scott you have to calm down, before you do something you're going to regret." Mum warned me. She was right, I was going to hurt someone in a second if I didn’t get outside and take a breath.

"I'm going for a run.” I told them after a few minutes.  “Where's Tyler?" I asked them.

"He left to go down to the lake a few hours ago. Go talk to him, and just be careful Scott darling. Please?" Mum smiled. She was worried, always has been. She thinks I'm going to get into big trouble day.

When I got outside, I immediately felt relief run through my body. I placed my clothes behind one of the trees and changed into my wolf. I ran as fast as I could, taking in all different scents filling my nose.

I could block it all out if I really wanted to, but it's so different from being human I loved every minute of it. The best thing about being a wolf is being able to switch back and forth. You get not just one but two perspectives of life. Being a wolf just gives you the opportunity to be free and take in the moment without rushing on. When I’m a human I don’t have time to just stop what I’m doing and look around and admire the view. I don’t think anyone does really.  

That’s why I loved being a wolf. It’s just so different. Also being a part of a pack, you have the advantage to hear the other wolfs thoughts. It's how we can communicate to one another.

"Tyler, where are you?" I called to him through my mind.

"Over at the lake," He replied seconds later.

Getting the jeans from my father, I was one of the fastest wolves in the pack. Running was my thing. That’s the reason I’m the stay football player back at school. I outrun all of them, even the wolves.  I found Tyler walking around the lake, obviously in a deep thought about something.

"Man what's going on?" I asked him.

He didn't realise I was there, and screamed. It was a high pitched screech that rang through my head.

Laughing, he knocked me over onto my back.

"Don't do that!" He yelled.

"Sorry, where's your head at man, everything alright?" I asked.

"Just thinking about next week I guess."

"What's next week?"

"The mating ceremony." He answered it as if I was the dumbest person in the world.

I paused for a second. I had completely forgotten about the mating ceremony. For every wolf that didn't have a mate in the pack was forced to go and hopefully had luck that night in finding one. This got me thinking again, what if dad was going to force me go? He didn't approve of Oakley because she was a human, oh gosh please don't tell me he wanted me to go.

"Are you going?" Tyler brought me out of my deep thoughts.

"Why would I go?" I asked him needed to be reassured.

"Well, your dad doesn't really approve of a human mate Scott, I was just thinking." He stuttered in my mind.

"I don't care. I'm not going even if he forces me." I snapped back at Tyler.

"What have you got to lose though?"

I stopped pacing. I suppose he had a good point. What do I have to lose by going? I’ve found my mate, why am I worried about meeting someone else? Then again.

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