"That would be awesome! I've always wanted to do it," she smiled like a goofball and I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's not as great as you might think. Although, the tips are nice."

"Oh, I don't care about the tips. I've just always wanted to have a normal job that normal people have. You know, kids usually get jobs at restaurants or grocery stores when they're in high school. I didn't get to do that. This is my chance," she laughed.

"You're a little odd, you know that?"

She nudged my foot under the table, "But that's what makes me who I am."

I looked at her and smiled. She was something, that's for sure. It was still a mystery to me of how I could've gotten a date like her.

"Alright, your turn."

I shook my head from my trance and tapped my finger on my chin, "Hmm. Okay, what is your favorite thing to do when you are having a night to yourself?"

She leaned back in her chair and sighed, "I love opening up all curtains in the apartment so that the windows are cleared. And then I like to just sit and look out over the city. It's very calming to me. It's even better when there's a storm and you can watch the rain and lightning. You'll have to come over sometime during bad weather to see it."

"I guess I will some day. It sounds relaxing."

"It is," Summer sat up and uncrossed her legs. "Okay, so where do you live?"

"Uh." Was she going to judge me for living in a really shitty apartment that I can barely afford myself? Compared to her luxurious penthouse suite, my apartment really is a dump. It's god awful. "I live near SoHo, a little north of NYU."

"Oh," she nodded her head. "Maybe you can show me sometime? I love that area."

You won't love my place.

"Yeah, sure. If you'd like."

She smiled brightly, "What about now?"

"N-now? Uh, I don't know. My roommate is there with someone, and I don't know if that's a good idea," I said. Why would she want to go now? There was no way I was going to take her over there if Xander was there with Isabella. Talk about awkward encounters. It just wasn't going to happen. Besides, I don't know if I want to bring her over anytime soon. My place isn't very luxurious.

"Alright. Maybe some other time. Do you want to come over for a movie?"

I looked down at my watch, realizing I had to be up and at the kitchen in less than five hours. Plus I was getting a workout from Ronnie right afterwards. I had quite a busy morning ahead of me. "I actually should probably get back soon. I have to be up in a few hours."

Summer frowned at me as she nodded her head, "Darn. You get up too early."

"Yeah, well it's my only source of income, so I need it to survive."

"You could always stay at my place."

"I don't want to intrude."

"It's not intruding if I invited you."

I sat there silent for a bit. She was inviting me to stay at her place for the night. It was very generous of her. It would be convenient for me because it's closer to the restaurant, and the gym for that matter. But I couldn't possibly stay at her apartment. I've only known her twenty-four hours.

She kept her gaze on me before she looked away and stood up, "Alright, maybe some other time."

"Summer, I don't mean to be so hesitant about it. It's just, you know, we've just kind of met. I don't want to feel like everything between us is going too fast. I really like you, but I don't want to mess things up," I said as I stood up with her.

We walked out of the yogurt shop and headed towards her street. She seemed a little upset by my rejection of her offer, but soon she brushed it off.

"No, I get it. Sorry if I'm sounding too straightforward. I guess I just don't know how to act around you."

I stopped us from walking and turned her to face me, "What do you mean?"

"Well," she nervously shifted her weight between her legs. "I don't know. You're not controlling of any of this, and you don't jump at opportunities to ... you know ... You're just so different from other guys I've come across. I don't know what to do around you. I don't know if I'm the one to make the moves or what. I'm just not used to this, I guess."

I smiled at her confession and squeezed her hand in mine, "Sometimes I can be a little old-fashioned. I've been in situations where it's gone pretty fast, and it never turns out well in the end. I want to take this slow with you. You only need to relax. Don't think too much into it. As much as I'd really love to jump into things with you, I have some control. Every girl deserves a proper relationship, and I intend on giving you one."

"That's actually really sweet of you. None of the guys I have ever dated said anything like that to me," her cheeks were dusted pink as she smiled.

I leaned down to her, pretending to whisper in her ear, "And that's why you aren't with them."

A smirk played upon my lips and Summer continued to smile. She leaned her body into me and I brought my arms around her small frame. It was like I could faintly feel her heart beat against my skin, and it was a glorious feeling.

Summer lifted her head to look at me, and the cutest smile was spread across her face. "Harry Styles, I'm really glad I met you, whether or not it was only an accident."

"And I'm glad I met you, too. Now let's get you back to your building."

The two of us walked hand in hand down the streets. I rubbed circles with my thumb on the back of her hand and uncontrollably smiled. Her free hand held onto the inside of my elbow as she leaned against my arm. To anyone walking by, we looked like such the odd couple being 'lovey-dovey' with each other. But I couldn't give a flying fuck what others thought of us. It was a little irritating to see people giving us weird stares, or to see other guys sizing up Summer. It was like it didn't even faze her. She kept talking and laughing and smiling up at me, and it made my heart beat increase.

We approached the front of her building and she tilted her head at me, "So when are we going to hang out again?"

"How about," I started after thinking a bit. "The day after tomorrow, I will take you out on a proper date. Sometime in the early afternoon. Nothing fancy. I don't quite have money for that. Dress casually, and I'll take you out somewhere. It'll be a surprise."

"A casual date?" she asked surprised.

I nervously nodded my head, "Is it not good? I can scratch that and take you out to a nice dinner instead. I'll just-"

"No! No, I like casual. It sounds perfect. I'll see you then," she smiled.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and let relief wash over me. Bringing her in for a hug, she wrapped her arms around me before standing up on her tiptoes to give me a kiss. I couldn't help but smile through it, and I knew it caused her to smile as well. We pulled away from each other so she could head into her building.

"I'll see you later, Harry," she said as she turned back to look at me. The doorman greeted her and opened the glass door for her.

I waved my hand before shoving it into my jeans pocket, "Bye, Summer."

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