Chapter 6

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Ayame's POV


I was running through the forest heading for the tower when I ran into the sound ninja. "I see we finally get to fight you, how exciting." Dozu said. I got into fighting position with my executioner's blade, he made the first move. He tried to punch me but missed, then I heard a high pitch sound. I held my ear and clench my teeth keep myself from screaming. "I wonder how you could look more like your father? Oh I know." He pulled out of kunai and stab me in the eye. "Now for the scar." He use the kunai and cut me from the eyebrow straight down to the start of my cheek, I couldn't help it, I screamed. "Now we'll pay a visit to your team." 'No.' After they left I got up and started walking the way since my team's chakra, before I left I put bandages over my eye.


When I got to where I sensed their chakra. Then I saw, Ten Ten carrying Lee, Neji was in a tree, Shikamaru and Choji were deciding on who would kick Naruto first, Into was fixing Sakura's hair and Sasuke was staring at his hand. "A-are you guys o-okay?" I asked weakly, I've lost a lot of blood and must have had blood on my bandages everyone gasped. "Ayame! your eye!" I frowned. "The sound said I need to look more like my dad, so they stab me in the eye and cut from here to here." I pointed from my eyebrows to my cheek Neji, can you help me change the bandage." I asked. "What? why me?" "Because I don't see you getting all girly and squeamish, Shikamaru would said it's too muchof a drag and Sasuke is too interested in his hand." he sighed in defeat and jumped down. he took off the bandage and his eyes widened he replaced the bandages and walked to his team.

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