Start from the beginning

Tyce entered the room and closed the door behind him, pulling me from my deep abyss of thoughts. I licked my lips at the sight of his wet body in nothing but a towel, his skin glistening with  water droplets. He turned his back to me to rummage around in his bag, and I looked away so that he didn't think I was totally just staring at him. It was hard to pull my eyes away though. Damn him for turning me on even when I don't necessarily feel in the mood. I felt my shorts getting tighter and shifted my position on the bed in order to discreetly try to hide it. 

My jaw practically hit the floor when he dropped his towel right then and there, exposing his perfectly perky backside in full view for me to see. It was only a couple seconds though before he slipped some black boxers on, then some black shorts. 

"So," He said, turning to face me with a smirk on his face. Look at his face, I told myself, but it was futile. I couldn't help but trail my eyes down to his beautiful chest, taking in the beautiful sight of his nipples and the light dusting of dark hair on his chest, leading down into that amazing happy trail....

"Griffin?" Tyce said, snapping his fingers in front of me. My face heated up and I blushed like the biggest idiot on the planet. 

"Oh, uh, I was uh...sorry. Kind of got lost in thought," I stammered, averting my eyes to the floor. 

"I can see that," Tyce chuckled. When he sat down next to me on the bed, he had put on a red shirt. "What are you thinking about Mr.....hmm.  Hey that's funny. I don't even know your last name," he said softly. I chuckled slightly.

"Really? It's Huxley," I told him, turning my head to look at him. He put his thumb on his chin. 

"Hmm Huxley. That's different," He observed. "I like different." He smiled at me. 

"Thanks. What's yours?" I asked.

"Breslow," he told me. 

"Breslow?" I repeated. 

"Yessir. It's kind of different," he winked, bumping my shoulder. 

"I like different," I repeated him, winking and chuckling a little. He grinned. 

"I'm glad you do. So I've been meaning to ask you something," he said. I looked at him curiously, wondering what he was wanting to ask. "Actually more than just one thing," he added, chuckling to himself. "Um, I uh, er," he stammered, "can I get your number? So that we can keep in touch now that we're back home," he rushed out the last part. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. 

"Oh right. Of course you can!" I replied maybe a little too excitedly. "Here," I said, holding my hand out for his phone. He pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to me. I quickly typed my number in with my name and added myself to his contacts. 

"Thanks. Can I see yours?" He asked. I nodded and quickly handed him my phone. 

"There," he said once he was finished, handing my phone back to me. 

"So do you live around here or?" I asked, anticipating that he would say he didn't. 

"Well, not here, but not too far from here. I live about 30 minutes away," Tyce replied. My face brightened even more as if that were possible. 

"Oh cool. I live like 10 minutes from Zaiden," I said. Tyce nodded.

"That's good! That means we'll be able to hang out!" He exclaimed. I chuckled. 

"Yeah for sure," I said. "Do you live with your family?" 

"Nah I have my own apartment," Tyce replied.

"I bet that's way nice," I told him. "I'm saving up money so that I can hopefully move out soon."

"It is nice. Sometimes it can be a little boring but it's definitely nice to be able to do your own thing," he said. I nodded.

"Hey guys! You ready to go?" Zaiden called, popping his head in the door.

"Yessir. We're all set," I replied as Tyce and I both stood up and grabbed our bags. I slung mine over my shoulder and we followed Zaiden out of the room. 

Once outside, we threw our things in the back and I helped Paisley throw her bag in. Hadley was already in the backseat and April was already in the very front passenger seat. 

"Thanks again for the trip Zaiden," Tyce said as we climbed in the car ready to take off. Zaiden turned the key in the ignition and fired up the engine. 

"No problem guys. We need to do it again sometime," he replied as Tyce, Paisley, and I fastened our seat belts. Paisley was in the very back with Hadley while Tyce sat beside me. 

"And next time there won't be any um, accidents," I added lightly. A silence settled over the car as Zaiden put it in reverse and backed out of the driveway. 

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