chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Bethany's P.O.V

"Kaden, look up here." I said trying to get the little boy to look up at the picture book I was reading him, but he wouldn't seem to budge, being to interested in his Woody doll from Toy Story.

"Kaden, if you don't look up, we'll just have to take Woody away from you." Ruby, My best friend, sang trying to get him to look up.

Ruby is my best friend and we both work at a daycare called Candy's Daycare Center, we both love it here. Also, since my sister, Stella, who's five years old usually comes with me to work when kindergarten ends for her and she loves it here! Since I moved to the United Kingdom from the States I was really scared to start collage, more than I would have been if I were back home. But then I met Ruby and we clicked instantly. After a month of being besties we decided to get a job together and when we saw that Candy's was hiring we were so happy, but we were even more ecstatic when the offered the two of us the job.

Ruby is a beautiful girl with long, straight ginger hair, big, sparkly green eyes, freckles on her nose and under her eyes. Her smile was to die for and her laugh, well her laugh was just so contagious. Overall, there's nothing you couldn't love about this girl.

Me on the other hand? well I'm just an average eighteen year old girl, I have long wavy brown hair, brown eyes, I think my heights actually average. I'm originally from the States, California if I'm being specific, yea that's right I'm a California girl, be jealous haha just kidding. I really do love it here, everything in the United Kingdom is beautiful, starting from the Big Ben, to the London Eye, to the London Tower, even the weather, it's different from California, but a good different. Though, I miss California like crazy, the weather was always so hot, the beaches over there were really nice, and I loved the palm trees, something the UK doesn't have. But I shouldn't be complaining I love it here, it's wonderful it really is. Besides I've always wanted to visit the United Kingdom, now I'm living here.

I had to move here two and half months ago because my parents found a job here, and I found a really good collage that accepted me. Also, majority of my relatives live here, so I was okay with this sudden change.

"Okay." Kaden looked up at the book, this boy would do anything and everything for this toy.

"Good boy!" Ruby swatted his hair playfully.

"Beth, can you come help me with the front desk, there's quite the line over here?" My boss, Linda, asked me.

When I went to the front desk I saw that Linda wasn't kidding there was quite the line.

"Hello how may I help you." I smiled to the woman who seemed to be around her mid thirties.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up my daughter, Alexa." she smiled.

"Sure thing, just sign right here." I smiled to the kind woman. she did as told and left as soon as she picked up her daughter.

That went on for about ten to fifteen minutes, people coming to pick up there child or drop them off. Now there was only two people left waiting.

"Hello how may I assist you?" I smiled to the two teenage boys, one had curly brown hair with emerald green eyes, he was definitely tall, had to about 5 inches taller than me. Meanwhile the other one had blonde hair and deep blue eyes, I'm not going to lie they were pretty cute.

"I'm here to pick up my cousin." The curly head dude answered, his thick, British accent showing.

"Okay, I just need you to sign right here." I pointed and he did as told.

"You from America?" He smirked, did I do something for that smirk?

"Not that is it any of your business, but yes I am." I answered.

"Oh I see how it is, feisty huh?" The smirk remained on his face.

Me? Feisty? How? All I said was that it was none of his business which was true, it isn't any of his business, he's luck that I even answered him.

"Okay, now what's your cousins name?" I changes the subject, getting slightly irritated.

"I'm Harry, Harry Styles, and you? " He said as if that was supposed to mean something to me.

"Okay Harry what's your cousins name?" I repeated myself, something I hate doing.

"I asked you first? What's your name?" He winked my way. Are you freaking kidding me? I'm the one who asked first.

"Harry, I won't repeat myself again. What is your cousins name?" I gritted through my teeth.

"Oh now that is no way to treat a customer, now is it? Don't want me to have to call your manager on you, now do you?" He questioned. The blondie was just standing there on his own phone, being to busy on his phone to even know what was going on around him.

I wasn't going to risk this job that loved so much for this jerk standing right in front of me, no I won't! I love this job way too much, the atmosphere here is great, and I love working with the children and they seem to love being here as well. Everyone is so friendly and I will not jeopardize anything to lose this job. But if I am being honest some of the kids can be a bit bratty sometimes.

"Bethany, my name is Bethany! Now What. Is Your Cousins. Name?" I asked slowly losing patience after every second that passes by.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He smirked once again, jeez what is up with him and smirking?

"Don't push it."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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