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~AALIYA GULAM HAIDER - A cheerful and pretty girl. A modern yet traditional Muslim girl. Her words show her confidence and cheerful personality and her kindness towards all , is simply a cherry to the icing. She is not one of those frightened, docile and weak women, rather she is one of those extremely rare ones who are fearless and have the courage to face the world, no matter how harsh life gets.
~ZAIN ABDULLAH - A dashing and super handsome boy. Always in his world, where he has all the riches and girlssss around him, Has a carefree attitude who just hates the idea of getting married. He doesn't understand the meaning of true love and only knows to play with a girl's emotion and the throw her out of his life like a trash. Girls go Gaga on his looks and wish to be his dreamgirl but he only knows to play with their emotions. And like Aaliya, his cousin, has a modern outlook towards life.

* GULAM HAIDER - Aaliya's father, a hard working man, owns a family shop, loves his family , and treats his daughter , Aaliya , as an angel. Despite of not being financially wealthy, he has good heart and tries to give his family , the best.
* SHABANA GULAM HAIDER - Aaliya's sweet and caring mother, she is very protective towards her two daughters. * AAYAT GULAM HAIDER - Aaliya's cute, innocent sister, very bubbly and unlike her sister, very immature.
Okay guys , i have written only about half of the characters , the next half is going to be in the next part.
Please vote and comment , and if you don't like it , just wait , my work has just started. So sit back... Relax... And read my story.
Happy Reading
Love ; )
Ekta : )

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