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>.< my best friend will be gone for three weeks during summer. I'm gonna legit be so lonely this summer....I'm gonna miss him :( He also doesn't answer my messages -.- he better text me this summer or I'll beat his ass when I see him sometime during the summer (I hope). If not then I'll just beat his ass after summer break. Yeah that'll work xD 

I don't start school until September so this Summer is gonna be so slowwwww but I'll think of something to do. I'm probably gonna go to the gym and get my ass in shape and run around at the park and stuff. I think there's a last day of school party at the park! I'm so going! Even though Jake rather go to a party then hang with me -.- but it's cool xD I got him when school starts. 

There's a chance I might have to go to summer school :/ I really really hope not. I also gotta go turn in my damn book today. Well gotta go. Exam #2!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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