Ch. 11 Return "home"

Start from the beginning


"Adamus, excuse me but will you let go of me??"
"But why?"
"Because people are watching us and you're squeezing me too tightly, it hurts!"
"Oh I'm sorry, love but I have forgotten what it was like to touch humans... Your kind is very weak. Now..." he stopped in front of this café house. "How about this place? Let's go in!"
"No I don't want to-" but he pulled me so I couldn't protest. At this moment, I really wished it was a day because the sun could have saved me from this bad vampire.

"Good evening, mister..." the waitress greeted us and checked Adamus out from feet to head. She liked him "What can I do for you?" she licked her lips, looking straight into his eyes, flirting. I had to admit, he was handsome but rotten.
"I'd like table for me and my... " he looked at me and said "girlfriend."
"Oh girlfriend..." her voice sounded disappointing.
"We're just friends." I said.
"Very close ones!" Adamus added with his usual devilish, smile. "We're gonna drink coffee!" the way he said it was so weird, I guess because he hasn't drunken coffee before so maybe this whole thing was fun to him. However, not to me.
"Two coffees, coming right now!" she spun around, went to the bar and when she stopped there while waiting for the coffees, she kept staring at him with that sexy stare and licked her lips.

"Shall we sit here, love?" his question was more like a command. He placed me on the chair and finally let go of my hand. I quickly placed my palm over the spot where he held me because the pain of his squeezing was still there.
"Adamus, I really have work to do and no time to sit here and chat so-" I got cut off by the waitress who came with the coffee.
"Here's your coffee, sir!" she completely ignored me as if I wasn't there and placed the cups on the table "If there's anything you need, here..." and gave him a piece of paper with her phone number probably. She winked at him and left.
"Listen how about this.. you seem to be very popular with the girls so why not invite her to drink coffee with you instead of me?!!" did vampires even drink coffee?
"Because unlike you, she's not interesting, love. Now, let's talk. Tell me about yourself!" he demanded.
"I don't know what to tell you.."
"For instance, how did you meet Michael?"
"I.." I just didn't know what to say "my step-mother knows him, it's not me."
"Oh so your step-mother?" I nodded my head.
"I just went there for a few days for the summer and that's all."
"You know about his... I mean you know about our true nature and you're okay with it?" he was looking at me without blinking and I felt his stare was so intense, it reminded me of Michael's.
"No.. well, I was but then no and.. I .." he was confusing me.
"You what?"
"I got to know Michael better and saw he wasn't dangerous... "
"I see. And... how did you get to know him better?"
"By spending time with him at the castle.. why are you asking?"
"Just curious."
"What is your relationship with him?" I asked.
"We're long time pals."
"How long have you know him?" he giggled.
"Long enough."
"He didn't seem to like you very much that night when you came..."
"That was because he was protecting you. Vampires don't like to share." share what? Don't tell me it was food.... "Anyhow, one thing I don't get... how come he hasn't killed you by now?"
"Killed me?"
"For food, love. Michael would take humans into his castle but not for company, if you know what I mean..." he smiled and his fangs glistened like silver.
"Maybe he's changed or maybe you've never know him well."
"Hahahaha... our kind doesn't change, dear, I see you don't know anything about us."
"And I don't think you should be talking like that about your father!"
"Ohhh I see he's told you a lot of things! How nice... you must be very special for him, am I right?"
"I don't know..." I looked down at my feet, thinking about Michael and his feelings towards me.
"I see now everything." he whispered.
"Nothing." then Adamus looked through the window and his eyes locked onto something in the distance because he kept staring at it for a few seconds. I didn't see what it was but it made him jump. "Well, love, it was nice chatting with you but I'm afraid I need to be going now." what?? He dragged me all the way here to talk to me for 5 minutes and then suddenly leave!!??
"Leave!!??" he took my hand in his cold one and dramatically said
"I know you want to spend more time with me.."
"I don't."
"But something came up." he paid the waitress who told him again to call her, flirted with him and winked at him, then we got out of the café. He turned to me and said

"Forgive me I won't be escorting you home but I'm in a hurry, besides, there are no other vampires so you're completely safe." then planted a gentle kiss on my hand before I managed to jerk it away or realize what he was about to do. "Until next time, my dear." I hoped there won't be next time but the way he said, he seemed so certain of it.

With this he turned around and begun walking away from me. My phone rung in my pocket so I pulled it out and when I looked back up, there was no sign of Adamus.

"Yes, dad?"
"YN, where are you? Do you know what time it is? You went for a juice and didn't return!"
"I'm sorry dad, I got carried away.."
"You better hurry home! I don't want my daughter out on the streets at this late hour!"
"I'll be home before you know it."

Wow... he sounded so angry.

I knew he was going to demand some kind of explanation when I got home, like usual, however, I decided to keep Adamus a secret, even from Michael.

I didn't want to make him angry which could result in him becoming cold towards me.

I wanted him to love me because I loved him so much... I loved him beyond words.

Get ready 'cause this story's gonna turn upside down soon :)

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