CloTi part 3

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Cloud rode back to Edge, a new determination inside him. He knew he would find a way to make Tifa love him. He rounded a corner and saw Seventh Heaven in front of him. Denzel and Marlene were outside on the steps. They saw Cloud and smiled. He smiled back at them. They stood as Cloud walked over. "Cloud," Denzel said. "I would be careful if I were you. Tifa's still a little mad. Oh, and I had a feeling you'd be back. I hope you succeed in making Tifa fall for you."
Cloud smiled at him and walked inside. As Denzel said, Tifa was still angry. He could tell because, when he heard a plate drop, Tifa swore. She only swore when she was incredibly angry. Cloud walked casually into the bar. Tifa heard him coming and looked up. She glared at him and Cloud stopped. "What do you want?" she asked angrily.
"First of all, I want you to stop looking at me like I just ran over your boyfriend. And secondly, I want to apologize for anything that my proposal caused. Please forgive me," he pleaded.
"Why?! Why should you care what that did?!"
"Because your happiness is important to me. That's why I care," he coolly answered. "And I don't want you to be angry with me either."
"Well, I guess if you're truly sorry, I can forgive you. But only this once. ONCE, Cloud," she said.
"I'll take what I can get. I won't blow this one," he promised.
Just as he finished speaking, the front door opened. Cloud turned around and saw a man a little shorter than Cloud with brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and dark chocolate brown eyes. He was wearing a business suit that made him look shapeless and square. The way he had his shoulders squared made his head look smaller than it actually was. Tifa smiled at the man and ran past Cloud. She slowed as she came to the man and she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. Cloud felt a lump form in this throat. This guy had to be her boyfriend. She turned back to Cloud. "Cloud," she said, "This is my boyfriend, Peter. Peter, meet my lifelong friend Cloud."
She seemed to put a bit of emphasis on the "friend" part. Cloud thought the guy looked a little....shabby and not Tifa's type. But he wasn't one to judge. Maybe she saw something in him that Cloud didn't see. Slowly he walked forward and extended his hand. "Hi. Nice to meet you finally," he said as pleasantly as he could even though he just wanted to beat the crap out of the guy.
Peter took his hand and shook it. His handshake was really limp and not very manly. It caused Cloud to wonder what attracted Tifa to him even more. If his punch was as bad as his handshake, he wouldn't be able to protect Tifa at all. "Nice to meet you too, Cloud," he said. Even his voice wasn't very manly. "Tifa's told me a lot about you, Cloud. She told me how you were in your childhood. You weren't well liked by the other kids in Nibelheim were you?" Now Cloud definitely wondered why she liked him. He obviously wasn't very considerate. "She also told me that after she got injured up on Mount Nibel, you left and went to join ShinRa and become SOLDIER. Why on Earth would you want to be part of ShinRa? I mean, you've heard about all the bad things they've done right?"
"Yes, I wasn't very well liked when I was a child. Tifa was my only friend. I left Nibelheim AFTER Tifa woke up after being injured on Mount Nibel. Yes, I went to join ShinRa to become SOLDIER but I didn't quite cut it and got placed as a ShinRa Infantryman. I joined ShinRa so that I would be better able to protect those that I care about. Of course I heard about all the bad things ShinRa was doing because I WAS THERE. But when a friend and I found out what ShinRa was doing, we quit," Cloud responded, trying desperately to hide his annoyance.
"And after you quit, you and your friend joined AVALANCHE with Tifa?" Peter asked.
Cloud shook his head and sadly replied, "My friend was shot down as we tried to escape. With ShinRa, you don't quit. If you don't want anything to do with it, you die. My friend died. Only I made back alive. Only I joined AVALANCHE."
"Oh yeah. Tifa told me about that too. How could I forget that your friend died because of you? She also told me about that Aerith girl that died because you failed to protect her." Tifa slapped Peter's arm as the words came out of his mouth. Cloud looked down sadly. Peter looked her and then at Cloud. "Did I say something wrong?"
Tifa placed her hands on her hips and said, "Ya think? You just told Cloud that he was the cause of Zack and Aerith's deaths! He blames himself enough already! He doesn't need people telling him that he caused them!"
"Oh. Uh, sorry, Cloud. I meant no harm," Peter apologized.
To Cloud, it didn't sound the least bit sincere. He got a feeling that Peter didn't like him and was purposely trying to hurt him. "That's alright," Cloud forced out. "Listen, I gotta go, so see ya later. Nice meeting you, Peter." And he walked out.
As Cloud got on Fenrir, he looked into the bar and saw Tifa and Peter talking. Peter looked out the window and saw Cloud watching them. He shot Cloud a glare the second Tifa looked away. Peter grabbed Tifa's arm and pulled her into a kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Cloud's heart shattered as he watched them. He started up the Fenrir and rode away, not even saying bye to Denzel and Marlene, who were still sitting on the steps watching him."There's no way for me to get her love," he thought."No way at all. She loves him....." A single tear slid down his face..
I'm sorry I don't spell something correctly I'm not a great speller and thank you for understanding.

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