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From the outside, the office building looked frightening and intimidating. Once inside, Rebecca felt cold and suddenly hopeless as she made her way through the lobby. Pulling her cardigan tight around her shoulders, she shivered lightly as she listened to the ominous sound of her pumps echoing off the marble floor.

Her recording session for the day had ended early, so she had decided to surprise Jesse. His management had called him in for a meeting to discuss damage control. As badly as she had wanted to attend in order to provide moral support, her recording session involved collaborating with a producer she had waited months to get a meeting with; Helen would absolutely murder her if she bailed.

Nevertheless, Jesse, being the gracious man he was, had simply thanked her for the thought and assured her he would be fine on his own. Even so, she wanted to be there for him, so she seized the rare free time as an opportunity to step into the role of supportive wife.

After taking the elevator to the appropriate floor, she walked through wide hallways dotted with offices before realizing she was completely lost. Sighing, she turned to zigzag her way back to what she believed was the front, but stopped short upon hearing a familiar voice.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Rebecca froze on her path down the hallway, walking slowly to the corner before peeking around. Her eyes went wide at the sight of Emily in the midst of some sort of confrontation with Damian.

Seeing as Damian was managed by the same company as Jesse, it seemed appropriate that he would present. What Rebecca couldn't figure out, however, was why Emily seemed to turn up everywhere she was least expected. Most likely, she was accompanying her friend to a management meeting. A coincidence which made Rebecca slightly uneasy.

Emily crossed her arms over her chest, her chin raised in defiance as her sapphire eyes twinkled dangerously. "I haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about."

Damian rolled his eyes, taking a steps towards her until he was towering over her menacingly. "Don't bullshit me. You know exactly what I'm talking about. This wasn't part of the plan."

Emily shrugged. "The plan wasn't working, so I improvised."

"And how exactly will your little improvisation benefit us?" Damian asked with an exasperated sigh.

Emily smiled devilishly as a wicked glint caught her eye. "Have a little faith, Damian. Everything will work out perfectly in the end."

Damian gave her small nod before turning and walking down the hallway away from Rebecca, followed closely by Emily.

Rebecca wasn't entirely sure what she had just overheard. From the sounds of it, Emily and Damian were in cahoots on some elaborate scheme. Even though she had no proof that this scheme was at all related to her and Jesse, she couldn't help but feel unsettled. There was something about Emily's tone of voice which left her utterly terrified.

Desperately wanting to feel safe again, she hurried back in the direction of the elevators, but was stopped once again, this time due to a collision with a warm body.

Startled, she looked to meet a very amused blue gaze. "Hello, Will."

He smiled widely, pulling her into a hug. "Hello, love. I hadn't realized you were coming. Jesse said you couldn't get out of your studio time."

Rebecca nodded. Will really was an incredible friend. Upon hearing Rebecca would be unable to make it, he must have volunteered to lend Jesse his own form of moral support. "I got done early so I thought I'd swing by."

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