"You're impossible!" Rose yelled before she turned back towards the door, slamming it in his face as she left.

Sighing, Ian said, "It was only a joke."

Dre smirked as he clapped his hands. "Wow. You really do have a way with words, don't you, Ian."

Ian turned to him with a half-hearted glare. "I'm going home." He swallowed a piece of the honey drops and vanished.

Huh. Not the reaction I had in mind.

"I think I'm going to leave, too," Megumi said, stretching. "Got things to do, you know?" She turned to Kamatsu's group, inclining her head to the door as Katherine glanced at her.

"Hold on," Michael said. "Before you go, I have a suggestion. I want the group to have a camping trip. After what I've seen in both the Edge Walker's forest and the simulation, I think it would be beneficial for all of us if we dwell with in nature for a while."

After taking a moment to think, she shrugged. "I should be free next week." Michael nodded as she, along with Katherine, walked out of the arena and swallowed the honey drop.


Katherine's heart began pounding as she soon landed outside of the gates of Reiax Academy. The sun hung low behind the enormous academy, giving an orange tint to the school grounds. It hadn't occurred to Katherine that this was her first time seeing Amity at dawn. She couldn't think about that now, however, considering that she had to tell her closest friend that she knows her secret. She licked her lips nervously as her feet planted on the opal stone; she hadn't even thought about how she was going to tell Megumi that she knew how she felt about her? It wasn't exactly an easy topic to bring up. "Hi, I know that this may sound strange, but I happen to know about your crush on me. How? Well, I sort of read your thoughts emotions one day at my house. No biggie, right?" Heaving a great sigh, she walked with Megumi passed the main building to the courtyard. There was no way that she'd forgive her for invaded her most private thoughts.

"Dude, are you in there?" Megumi asked, her scarlet hair glowing with the setting sun. "I just got done telling you that my mom let me use her classroom. She even lent me the key," she said, holding up a silver key. "I think that her room would be the most private place to go to. Not that there wasn't a more reasonable place to tell me or anything," she added in a hushed voice. Turning her head to Katherine, she raised an eyebrow as she said, "And you're absolutely positive that you can't just let me know now?"

Katherine shook her head. She had no idea how Megumi would react once she told her. If they split up, she didn't want anyone there to cause a scene. Rose and Ian had already done that, and she didn't want to be next. "You'll understand why it's better off in private once we get there."

They passed the Trio's Fountain; the water sparkling brightly as they passed, shining as a royal's crown in the light of a fire. Both of the remaining statues stood like sentinels guarding the last remaining water in existence. Reiax's face was hidden by the stone flag, as per usual, but the sword shone a brilliant blue, looking as if it was made of arcaneArcane ore, the very same material that the actual sword was made of. The second statue, Princess Ah-mi, stood with one arm enclosed around a golden harp, the second arm outstretched with a ball of water enveloping her hand. She looked as a goddess of mercy. If you're still protecting us, please protect me from Megumi's rage as much as you can, she silently prayed to the two statues.

"Not too much farther now," Megumi said, her voice full of eagerness. They passed by the giant goblet, with flames eternally flowing inside. She pushed on the glass door, opening to an empty foyer. "Come on, dude. I'm sure that the elevator's still operating," she said, quickening her pace to the elevator door, almost dragging Katherine along. "Oh, man, I can't wait," she squealed as she pecked on the call button. The doors slid open instantly. They both boarded, though Katherine hesitantly boarded, her anxiety rising as the doors shut. There was no way that she'd be able to tell Megumi. All of the trust and respect she had for Katherine would quickly evaporate once she did. The worst of it was just how excited Megumi was about the news. She giddily hopped on her toes, looking as if Katherine was taking her to a theme park instead of telling her about her invasion. She wanted to back out, but the value of their friendship was too important to keep under wraps. Besides, she'd probably do the same thing if she was in my shoes.

The elevator stopped with a ding. Once the doors opened, Megumi jetted down the hallway to the next to last classroom on their right. Here we go. Reluctant, she dashed after her as Megumi unlocked the door. "Come on, come on," she said, gesturing to the door. Katherine gulped before she followed.

Rows of school desks were set facing Tiffany's table, where a green chalk board stood perched behind it. It seemed a tad old-school, especially for her. Megumi turned to her, eagerness shining in her face. "So, what was this super private thing that you wanted to talk about?"

Well, this is it.

"Yes, well. Uh... I'm not really sure how to word this." She glanced back up into Megumi's eyes, instantly wishing that she didn't. As expected, her gleeful smile began to die down, as well as the joy in her eyes. Katherine brought her own eyes back onto the floor as she continued. "I really value our friendship, Megumi. I really do. Which is why I've got to tell you this." Quit beating around the bush and tell her already. Gulping, she clinched her fists as she looked back into Megumi's eyes. "I know that you have a secret crush on me."

After a brief pause, Megumi gave a forced chuckle. "W-what are you talking about?" she asked hesitantly.

"I know how you feel about me. I've known since you've came over to my house for the first time. See, I thought it might be a good idea to try and use my element to-"

"You read my mind?!" Megumi interrupted. Katherine wasn't sure if her face was reddening for the setting sun or anger.

"No. I would never do that," Katherine pleaded. "I read your aura, basically reading your emotions." Now that she thought about it, Megumi could've been feeling that from thinking about a different crush. Nevertheless, she persisted. "Please don't be upset with me, Megumi. I don't want to lose our friendship over such a stupid mistake."

For a moment, neither of them spoke. They both stood in silence, with the only sound that Katherine could hear was her heart beating in her ears. At last, Megumi said, "It's kind of hard not to be mad. Or, I guess, sort of miffed. What took you so long to tell me?" Her voice was unreadable, but Kathrine took the fact that she didn't storm off as a good sign.

"I don't know, to be honest. I guess I was trying to see how I felt about you first. I've never really had anyone who had a crush on me. At least, not one that I've known about, and especially not with a lady such as yourself."

"And how do you feel about me?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. It didn't seem out of anger. Instead, it was slow and calculating, as if she were readying herself for a bombshell to be dropped.

After a moment, Katherine answered. "I'm not sure. I could be interested in you in that way, but I don't really have much experience in relationships.

Uncrossing her arms, Megumi closed the distance in between the two. Her deep blue eyes were half-closed in a sultry kind of manner. "Well, there is a way to find out," she said less than an arm's length away.

Katherine could feel her heart pumping uncomfortably in her chest. She swallowed before looking into Megumi's deep blue eyes. "How?"


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