Chapter 5: Well Then

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WARNING: Severe nosebleeds and other blood loss may occur in the next few chapters. *smirks* Enjoyyyyy~
Kageyama's POV:
Good god. Next time I see that fucking twat, he's dead. No joke. Hinata had scraps and bruises all over his body. It was really bad. "Hey," I said in a soft tone. I walked over to Hinata, and he looked up at me from where he was sitting on the ground. "W-what?" I sighed and squatted down to his level.

Hinata's POV:
Oh god. He is soooo close to my face right now, it's not even funny. He leaned in and whispered, "Can you walk?" I shivered from the sensation of his breath and shook my head. "I-I don't think so." Kageyama sighed and stood back up. Then he bent down and picked me up. "K-Kageyama! What are you d-doing?! P-put me down!" "Nope." "At least tell me where we are going?" Oh lord, please don't say "your house" because I am already lucky enough he picked me up bridal style instead of a piggyback ride. "My house, duh." Well fuck. "It's closer than yours, and I have stuff I can use to help clean your wounds." "Okay, I suppose that's fi-" "And my parents aren't home, so it doesn't matter." DOESN'T MATTER?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! It's bad enough he's taking me to his house, but now his parents won't be home?! OH. MY. GOD. "Yeah, okay. I'll just need to call my mom when we get back." "Yeah, good idea. She's the one who told me you hadn't come home yet. Good thing I found you, huh?" He looked down at me, and I blushed and turned away from his gaze. "Heh, yeah." Calm down, Shouyou. You can do it.

Kageyama's POV:
We finally got to my house, and I opened the door. I walked in and kicked the door shut behind me. I carried Hinata to the bathroom and set him down. "You can take a bath. The towels are in the cuboard, soap and stuff is by the bath. I'm gonna go find you some clothes and call your mom." "Okay." I called Hinata's mom. "Well I'm glad you found him!" "Yeah, I brought him to my house because it's so late. Is that okay?" "Yes! That's perfectly fine, as long as he's safe. Okay then. Tell him I say 'Goodnight'." "Okay, I will, bye." "Bye Kageyama-san." I hung up the phone and went to my room to find the smallest clothes I could. I walked back to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Hinata? I found a shirt and some sweatpants. I'll leave them outside the do-" "Wa-wait!" "Hmm?" "Umm, m-my arms really hurt, and I'm afraid to wash my body. I don't want to make the cuts worse.
Can you do it for me?"
Cliff hangers! I hate them, don't you? XD Okay, till next Saturday! (I'm really mean. Sorry!)
Thanks for readin'!

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