Chapter 11: Milk

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Kageyama wants to share with you.😱💕 ANYWAY!!! Enjoy~😈
Kageyama's POV:
I helped Hinata down the stairs. I was going to bring him his breakfast, but this works too, I guess. Hinata limped down the steps as I supported his body with my shoulder. We got down the stairs and went into the kitchen. I helped Hinata sit down at the table, then went to get our breakfast plates. I set the plates down at the table. "Whoa! I didn't know you could cook, Kageyama!! This looks awesome!!" I blushed and looked at my plate. "Yeah. Want some milk?" "Sure! Let's eat!"
Hinata's POV:
I grabbed my fork and started to eat my eggs. Kageyama went to the cuboard, grabbed two cups, and filled them with milk. When Kageyama sat down, I thanked him, and he cleared his throat. "Hey Hinata?" "What?" I looked at him curiously with a mouthful of eggs. "Why were you so scared last night?" I choked on my eggs. "Hey, dumbass! Drink some milk!" I grabbed my cup and took a swig, then I took another drink as Kageyama said, "You'll die if you just inhale your food like that." I laughed, and my milk came out of my nose. "Ahh!! It urrnnss!!" I started waving my hands frantically in front of me. "Kaeyama!!! I nee-a napin!!" I pleadingly looked at Kageyama for help, only to find him laughing at me. My nose still burned, but now my heart was skipping beats. I really thought I was gonna die. I stopped freaking out and just watched Kageyama laugh with milk still dripping out of my nose. I was in complete awe. I've never heard him laugh. Or look so genuinely happy. Or...beautiful.
Kageyama's POV:
I...can'! Oh my god!! "Hahahaha!! I c-can't believe you s-snorted milk up your nose! Hahahaha!!" I wiped away tears I didn't know my body was capable of making. I was still laughing when I realized Hinata had stopped freaking out. I calmed down a little and saw that he was just staring at me. "Hey, you okay? Or did the milk leak into your brain, too?" I waved a hand in front of his face. "Huh? Oh, sorry. I'm fine." Hinata laughed, and his cheeks turned a little pink. I handed him a napkin and asked, "Why did you stop freaking out?" "Thanks." He took the napkin and blew his nose. "Well?" He looked up at me and flashed one of his blinding smiles and said, "Oh nothing."
Thanks for readin'!

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