"To an extent, yes, but that's not quite what I was referring to," Olli conceded slowly. "I actually, meant the other thing."

"What other thing?" Richard asked, darkly, as he stiffened in his seat and Paul saw Richard's alarm in a bright blue wash behind his eyes. "I don't know what you think you know, Olli ... "

"I meant the shifter thing," Olli said, as he cast a swift glance around them to check for potential listeners whilst keeping his voice pitched low. "You are both shifters, aren't you?"

He pointed to his eyes, before he continued.

"Your eyes give you away, for those who know what to look for," he said, with a brief smile.

"And how do you know what to look for?" Paul asked, suspiciously, as he frowned at his friend in confusion. "Since when, more importantly."

"Since working here, I do," Olli said, not offended by the suspicion that both Richard and Paul displayed. "Kris, the guy who owns Sanguine, is a vampire, believe it or not. Not only that but he's the Master Vampire of the entirety of Berlin. He specifically set this place up as a haven for other supernaturals like him, which is why he's so ready to forego the formalities of table bookings, for fellow supernaturals."

"Then why are you here?" Paul asked, next. "You are still human, I take it? You don't smell funny, like we do."

"I do not smell funny, Paulchen," Richard immediately objected. "I do take a shower every day, as you well know. You've joined me often enough."

Paul laughed at that and patted Richard's knee, soothingly, before he dotted a soothing, apologetic kiss against his lover's mouth, followed by a silver-flecked dragon kiss, which Richard laughingly, tenderly, returned. He was glad to note that Richard even attempted to deepen the physical kiss a little; only the fact that Olli made a sudden embarrased noise made Paul and Richard ease apart and smile, first at one another and then at Olli.

"Don't worry, darling, you smell lovely to me," Paul finally assured his lover. "But you can't wash away the scent of reptile in the shower. You must have noticed that I stink a bit, in turn. I'm under no illusions that I do, so I won't take offence."

Richard suddenly laughed, and the expression transformed his face, turned it brighter and more relaxed.

"You do bear the taint of what you are," he conceded, gently. "But that can only ever be attractive to me."

Paul huffed out a laugh, that was partially amused, and partially complimented. He kissed the end of Richard's nose, before he turned his attentions back to Olli again.

"Anyway, I think you were trying to tell us something," he said, with a low laugh that rumbled in his chest. "About why you're working here if you're human."

"Yeah, well, Kris, the boss, wants to have as diverse a staff as he can," Olli said, with a smile. "Which is why I'm here. I'm not the only human, either. There's a few scattered about the place, both working here and visiting. The supernaturals out-number us about four to one, though. You see Travis over there? He's a shifter."

He pointed to the cat-eyed man with the straggly beard, who seemed to be demolishing a large plate of tuna with great relish.

"He's a were-panther, to be specific," Olli continued. "And a few of the waitresses are also shifters of some kind or another. The chef's a werewolf, for crying out loud. My question is, for you, is what kind of supernatural, are you? Nothing I've seen yet here."

"And what do we get out of it, if we tell you?" Paul asked, suspiciously, as his body stiffened in reflex.

"I'm not gonna harm you, Paulchen," Olli said, a little annoyed at Paul's sudden display of guarded distrust. "Shit, you've known me for years; you should know better than that. I've already said that this place is a safe haven for people like you. I've even told you what Travis is, and my boss is, when I didn't have to."

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