Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Was it really Takashi? As I went to continue walking when the guy turned around.

" Atsushi" He yelled joyfully

" Hello Takashi" I yelled back

" I can't believe how much you've grown" He said smiling

" You have grown alot too Takashi" I said trying to sound happy

" Is something wrong?" He asked with a now worried expression

" I'm fine" I said knowing he had caught me out.

" Their is something wrong , please tell me" He said holding my hands making me blush.

" I........ I Love You , I have always loved you but you don't love me " I said starting to cry.

" I.......I didn't know" He said pulling me into a hug.

" I'm so sorry Atsushi , I'm so sorry" He continued to repeat this while I cried inhis arms until I slowly fell asleep.

The next day I woke up in a unfamiliar bed , I looked over at the draw next to me and saw a picture of Takashi. I turned to look at the one on the other draws when I came to face Takashi. My face turned bright red when I realized I had spent the night sleeping next to the one I love. " He knows" The little voice said then I started to remember everything that had happened that night before I fell asleep. I then looked under the blanket to see that I was only in a shirt and underwear.

" I changed your clothes so you would sleep more comfortably" Takashi said winking

" Thank-You" I said blushing

" Your Welcome" He said while kissing my forehead

" So what do you want for breakfast?" He said putting  a pair of track pants on.

" Whatever you want" I said blushing and wondering if this was a dream.

"Was Takashi really wearing track pants and cooking me breakfast while I was in his bed?" I thought to myself unable to believe this was really happening.

" Breakfast is ready" Takashi called as I jumped out of bed and found my clothes next to my school bad and uniform.

I quickly put my uniform on and walked out into Takashi's kitchen. On the Kitchen table was bacon cooked perfectly and eggs made just right.

" Thank-You it looks yummy and thanks for getting my school stuff" I said sitting down.

" You needed it so I got it for you  , I'll be back I'm just going to get my uniform on" He said as he walked back into his room.

" God-love him" I said starting to pile food into my mouth.

When he came out he was wearing his school uniform but his shirt wasn't buttoned up. I finished my food and helped him wash the dishes. When we finished washing up I went to see if Takashi had brought my tooth brush over. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find it.

" Takashi did you bring my tooth brush?" I asked slightly alarmed.

" You will have to use mine" He called out

" Ok" I said blushing

I walked into Takashi's bathroom to see him styling his beautiful blonde hair. I grabbed his tooth brush and put a line of tooth paste on the bristles. I then started to brush my teeth. Once I had finished I noticed Takashi's shirt was still unbuttoned , so I walked over and started doing them up for him.

" Thank-You" He said smiling

" Your Welcome" I said smiling back

" Let me reward you" He said and before I could answer he had me pinned against the wall with his lips pressed against mine , I melted under his touch. His lips were so soft against mine. When he pulled away I felt as if I was missing something.

" That is my present for you" He said winking and grabbing his bag.

" Thank-You" I said grabbing my bag off the chair and following him out the door.

As we walked together we talked about the past and how fun it was . We did alot of stupid things that were fun. When we arrived at school everyone crowed Takashi asking questions about where he has been for the past 3 years. I ended up walking away and towards my special spot. I always sat here next to the pond so I could write and observe the environment . I could think here.

As the bell signaled the start of class I headed towards the main building. I had English with Takashi first." I hope everythings calmed down a little more" I thought as I entered class. I walked over to my seat and sat down as everyone entered. Everything was normal until Takashi walked in and took the seat next to me. A lot of people were whispering things about Takashi & I sitting next to each other. Some of the things I could only just hear were " How could someone like him sit next to that retard" or " What is up with Takashi? , How is he friends with that loser" Were the main subject of the whispers. Only when the teacher arrived did the whispering stop but it didn't stop them from staring.

I felt so embarrassed to sit with Takashi, yet I normally enjoyed spending time with him but now I just feel uncomfortable. We have third and forth period together which was maths and science "What fun" I picked up my bag and headed towards the lunch area. I went to sit down at my table when Takashi sat down on the other side , " Could this get worse" I asked myself.

" Hello Atsushi" Takashi said waving happily

" Hey Takashi" I said sitting down and starting to eat my steak.

" What's wrong?" Takashi asked lifting my chin.

" Nothing I said pushing his hand away.

" Tell me or I'll have to kiss you in front of them all " He teased

" You wouldn't" I said smirking and before I knew it Takashi was holding me down on the table kissing me , His warm lips pressed against mine his body pressed against mine ........ It was like heaven. But before I knew it he pulled away and I didn't feel whole anymore. Once I snapped back to reality I realized everyone in the cafateria had their eyes on Takashi & I  , who was now joyfully eating his lunch as if nothing happened. I quickly jumped off the table and back into the seat and started to eat my food. When the start of third period came I choose to sit right at the back away from the eyes of the students and away from Takashi. Yet I couldn't escape my thoughts, "You love him yet you can't stand to be near him" A voice informed me. " I know I love him but I don't like this attention" I replied. "Isn't your love for him more important rather then worrying about the opinions of others?" . "I know but I don't like being watched all the time" I thought back sighing.

I thought about what I'm going to do about the Takashi problem. I really do love him but I hate the attention and I know he's just messing with my heart as usual. When I got to science I noticed a new guy holding Takashi's hands and sitting in my seat. I started to burn with jealousy. Why was that guy sitting in my seat talking to my love? and Why is he holding Takashi's hands?

This is the first chapter of this Yaoi love story so I hope you enjoy and What will happen with Takashi and this new guy and how will Atsushi react :D XD :P

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