Gaming terms of use:

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If you have made it this far, then you have said the words. Your mind and digitized body are now being transferred into the game. But before you completely enter, you must first read and understand the Gaming Terms Of Use.

Rule 1: Nobody is a God/Goddess. Anyone and everyone can die in this game. So do not make your character seem like a god/goddess if they don't have enough exp. Otherwise, your avatar has been deleted.

Rule 2: A minimum amount of profanity is allowed. If you character/avatar says profanity too much, they're in for a nasty surprise.

Rule 3: If your character's avatar dies 3 times, your character will due in real life. Thus, putting your character's name on the deleted characters list.

Rule 4: If your character's been deleted, either you did not follow the rules properly, or your character's avatar died 3 times. By admins of "THE GAME" alone, they can decided if your player gets a "second chance" on the "Judgment room." But only with the price of that character's avatar starting all the way over.

Rule 5: Bosses are for every avatar that wants to battle them. But be careful, they're extremely high-leveled

Rule 6: Who says smut wasn't allowed? Just don't let "The Game" Admins catch you. And keep it to a bare minimum. Or else, all admins have right to delete your avatars

Rule 7: Just like in real life, your character has to live. So make sure they get regular meals. Rather stolen or bought, it's up to you.

Rule 8: In neutral zines, the only way to die is via a duel, or starvation.

Rule 9: If possible, on occasion, there will be tournaments in the game. Prepare your avatar just in case.

Rule 10: If your character's a hacker, your avatar will suffer punishment if caught.

Rule 11: This is a survival game. Everyone for themselves, or everyone works together.

Rule 12: Modify your avatar in your character menu if your avatar is over level 10.

Rule 13: The currency is "Credits." Although, you can barter items with other avatars.

Rule 14: You're a survivalist. Your judgement counts a whole lot in this game.

Rule 15: If you need to report a problem with the game, hand deliver a message as a quest to admins.

Rule 16: Report any and all suspicious activity in anything concerning the game.

Rule 17: If your avatar kills other avatars twice, they now have a bounty.

Rule 18: Avatars lower than level 10 have curfews. Look out.

Rule 19: Avatars use teleport once a gaming day. Use that extra wisely.

Rule 20: Guns are for very creative players, and Admins. That or high-leveled players, and hackers.

(Just say "I agree" in the comments below if you read this, or skipped past all of this.)

Now you may continue further into the game. It has now scanned you and your basic body features. You will stand in the Welcome rooms shortly. Just fill out your forms.

(Extra note: all avatars start at level one unless they're a hacker.)

THE GAME (A Roleplay)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora