Chapter 18 (status: incomplete)

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DISCLAIMER: I used Google translate and a translator app to translate (I SAID TRANSLATE A LOT OF TIMES IN THIS ONE SENTENCE, I KNOW) the remaining chapters into 3 languages I speak well enough to understand the text completely. Using all 3 translations as my reference, I decided to write simple summaries of each of the chapters. Some sentences and parts are omitted because I could not make them out due to the faulty translations, and some are included completely because they were easy. I will finish what I can in the next couple of days. Below is the first snippet of chapter 18. There is still more to come. Hope you enjoy it! 

Shao Yan spent the next couple of days on a business trip abroad. Even though they spoke daily over the phone, Lee still felt some emptiness.

While Shao Yan was still away, Lee received a visit from Ke Luo. At the time, he was still in a good mood, inviting Ke Luo to watch his „uncle" play.

Ke Luo looked at Lee seriously: „Shao Yan called me last night."

Lee brushed it off, saying that Shao Yan as a businessman had a wide network of people around him and that contacting them and being on good terms with them is necessary.

„He asked me out for a drink."

Lee was still nonchalant, saying it was normal for businessmen to socialize.

„Lee, I don't think he asked me to go out late at night to socialize for work."

Standing up angrily, Lee yelled at him: „What are you talking about?"

His reaction was so intense, it left Ke Luo astonished.

„He is out of the country right now, how can he ask you out?"

Ke Luo was very surprised.

„He's out of the country?"

They exchanged some more words, with Lee insisting Ke Luo was mistaking, and Ke Luo still not being convinced that Shao Yan was trustworthy. Ke Luo was frowning.

Lee looked at Ke Luo and smiled: „And why should I belive you instead of him?"

Ke Luo firmly continued: „He's lying to you."

Harsh words were exchanged between the two men. Ke Luo turned completely red, pupils dilated, with a dark look in his eyes.

„You just want to be loved by somebody and nothing more. But when you get hurt, don't come back to me."

Both of them fell silent. Lee's phone suddenly rang. He looked at the display and smiled reading the caller ID.

„Shao Yan"

The man on the other side of the phone call sweetly replied, „Honey, I'm at the airport, came home early..."

When the call was finished, Ke Luo was already gone.

Lee felt as if he broke his heart by not trusting his word.

He knew Ke Luo would not lie to him. Between Shao Yan and Ke Luo, he would trust Ke Luo's word first.

But sometimes you have to play the fool and do some fooling. 

Neither one of them can admit when they've lost.

He met Shao at night. They lingered around in bed together casually.

Happy about the situation, Lee leaned against the bed while smoking, "How was the weather in Tokyo?"

Shao answered lazily, "it was okay. I had to bring gifts to everyone because I was rushing to get things done, there was no time to do anything."

Lee laughed and said: "You people far away in Tokyo do all that and still have time to go out drinking late at night?"

Shao Yan sat up  immediately, looking both surprised and frustrated, "What do you mean, how could I do that?"

Lee put an arm around him, trying to comfort him: "Seeing you this anxious, how could I not believe you? Just take what I said as a joke!"

Shao Yan was still angry "which idiot was behind this rumor?"

Laughing, Lee answered: "Those who are bored gossip, we should not pay them much mind. As long as there is a living body, there will be gossip."

It was hard seeing Shao looking resentful. Lee used the simplest way to cheer up his mood, by using his body. Embracing him, he gave him a kiss.

They spent the night together, not lacking in passion. Shao had to leave for business in the morning, even though the both of them barely got any sleep.

Lee thought to himself that excessive indulgence really could be bad for a person's health. He thought about eating a nourishing soup or something similarly replenishing.

While in search for pills, there was a knock on his door. 

"Brother, I have baked a cake, do you want a snack?" Shu opened the door cheerfully and saw Lee wearing a green face mask. 

Love Late/Late for Love/Delayed Love by Lan Lin - last few chapters summarizedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ