Airhead 5

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Chapter 5           (Kat's POV)


The ride home with both of the guys in my car was fun.  But before we left they had to fight over who got front seat with me.  The conversation was like 'I haven't seen my little sister in long time!' or 'I'm the guest and I want to get to know her!'  In the long run, Eric ended up winning and he was up front with me, and he left Matt in the back sulking and kicking his seat.  It was hilarous!  They couldn't stand each other in a way but they were best friends........scratch that I'm my brother’s best friend forever and always as he will always be mine.

"So, Matt why'd you deal with my brother for so long?"

"I really don't know, I can't tell you the answer at this moment.  Right now I'm really regretting sticking with his ass for about 4 years."

"3 and 1/2 years."

"Okay, whatever."

"Don't you whatever me mister."

"Yes ma'am."

I blushed at him calling me ma'am although I hated it, but my brother saw it and he smirked and looked at me with an 'awe does my wittle (little) sister have a cwush?'  I answered with a look that said 'shut your face or you'll be my next target.'  That shut him up and he knew what I was talking about target because I do archery and I always could use new dummies.

"Don't call me ma'am ever again Lengings, you got that?"

"Yes ma'am.......I mean Kat."

"Good job, you finally made it to the first grade."  I took my hands off the wheel to clap for him.

He then screamed, "Kat put your hands on the wheel you dumbass."

I scolded him.  No one calls me a dumbass and gets away with it, my father never did.  So I pulled over and turned to him and gave him a look that almost made him pee his pants and said, "I'm going to tell you this once and listen good, don't EVER, and I mean EVER call me that again.  If you don't know what I'm talking about then you must ask your best friend about it.  But if I hear you call me that again you'll be thrown from the vehicle got it?"

He gulped but nodded.  "Good, now that we understand our selves we can enjoy the rest of the trip."

My brother then dropped his voice for only me to hear, "You didn't need to go off on him like that Kateland."

"Yeah I did."

"He didn't know!"

"Well, I thought you would have told him about my past."

"That's YOUR place to tell him not mine."

"You might as well because; I'm not going to tell him jack shit."

"Wow! You changed a lot since I've left, haven't you?"

"Yeah, well do you think I wanted that bastard to walk all over me and do the things he usually did to me while you were gone?"


"Did you want those things to happen when you were gone?"


"Okay then, don't gripe at me because of my changes in personality."

"Sounds good to me."

We were just pulling up to my drive way, I lived in a mansion as you could tell, but it was more like a manor it was a Victorian house.  I loved my house.

"Welcome home Eric."

"Wow......" was all I heard from Eric and Matt.

I laughed and walked up to the door and pushed it open and then went to my room to write about the day’s events.  This is going to be fun.......NOT!

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