Meet Aiko

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 I recently remembered this story as I gazed back at my 4th grade drawings.

I had my weeby phase quite early, in the summer of when I was going into 4th grade, and for 4th grade. I was rather infatuated with Naruto, and I had Naruto pictures on my notebook, sometimes said baka, and made myself an Akatsuki ID card. I never really introduced myself as an anime fan, but if someone asked about  my notebook or my anime-ish drawings I’d answer and explain (calmly thank God).

  Anyhow, a new girl came to our school in the middle of the year. Her name will be Aiko because she loved that name. 

Aiko seemed quiet and sweet at first. She had blonde shoulder length hair and freckles, small figure, etc. I had an open desk next to me, so that’s where she was placed. Being friendly, I introduced myself.

Aiko told me she liked my Sakura and Hinata drawing I was  working on, I thanked her and asked her if she watched any other animes or read any manga. Her eyes lit up immediately.

She was a fan of Fruit Baskets, Bleach, Tokyo Mew Mew, and some other fairy one. I nodded and told her my favourites. We became good friends soon after.

A few weeks later at lunch, she told me she had a secret. Leaning in, she whispered that several demons controlled her and that she was a vampire. She tried to prove this by sucking on her arm until it brought blood or whatever to the surface (you know what I mean right?) 

I was slightly off put by this, but decided to let it slide. So what if she’s a little quirky? We shared an interest and she didn’t have other friends. 

At recess that same day, we sat on top of the jungle gym and she suddenly had an angry look on her face. I asked what was wrong, and she slowly turned her head to face me.  In a low voice, she rumbled that she was going to hurt me if I didn’t shut up. She then introducedherself as Ashiko or something, the demon. Her face went blank and contorted into another grimace.

This time she was Rin-Mai, a blood thirsty demon who wanted to kill me. She then slammed my head against the metal bars a few times. A teacher saw and rushed over and pulled her away. 

I went to the nurse and was told I had a concussion. Aiko came in a few minutes later to apologise, but she mostly blathered on about how I didn’t meet Xiao yet, the demon that hissed. 

She was moved to another teacher’s class per my and my parent’s request. She didn’t have lunch or recess with me anymore, but she often waved to me in the hall.

After 4 months of being at our school, she was asked to transfer to another school in the district that was more suitable for her needs.

I heard it was because she interrupted class with demon or vampire nonsense and growling, and most of her homework was in “kanji”. (Scribbles that resembled kanji). I’m sure her teacher thought she was insane.

I saw her once at the local pool that summer, but she moved in fifth grade.

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