Chapter 4: What is Broken is Not Easily Fixed

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PLEASE READ ! Facts 1- not many people are reading this,2- if they are I do not know about it because LHTF Only has two votes,3- if you read and like this please recommend it to people to be read I don't want to rant but, 4- Woooooooo! I updated sorry I've been really stressed with school lately.5- and lastly if you are reading I'm so sorry for the wait and I understand you might wanting to kill me possibly in many long violent , deranged ways and yes I kinda deserve it for not updating please kill me violently in your minds or else I wouldn't the able to write

I love you my fellow birds- Crazy Tiffany

Zach's P.O.V

Have you ever felt like your heart was shattering into millions of fragments then those fragments shattering into smaller pieces then to shards this process repeating until the pieces and fragments and shards turn to dust then are blown away?

This is the feeling I got when I heard Drew was involved in an accident.

Drew Ann Carter.

It was early October. The leaves we just starting to change to their vibrant reds, yellows, oranges, and browns before gently floating to the ground and scattering across the pavement.

It was staring to cool off after we had mostly warm weather through September. We had football practice right after school everyday like clock work.

We were preparing for our last home game of the season. I'm a junior but I play for varsity.

Possibly because I live in Roseville, Va ,which isn't that big, but not that small though or maybe it's because my dad was a college football legend in our town and I have been playing since I was four. We are the Roseville Panthers.

Anyways Coach had us do our normal routine of warm-ups and stretches then when into running. After that we worked weights for a while.

Finally we got down to the drills and offensive and defensive plays. My favorite part of practice.

After sweating for about two hours our coach finally called it quits for the day. I took off my pads and helmets ,which were now holding on to a strong, gagging odor, and headed for the locker room. Sadly I don't think one wash would suffice.

After my quick shower I changed in to sweats and a tee shirt and headed towards my old ford slinging my duffle bag onto my right shoulder.

Gravel crunched under my gray Nike's as I approached the white truck.

I stuck my key into the rusted door when my phone rang from my duffle bag which was weird because I only got calls from Drew and this couldn't be her she was probably still getting home from practice.

I looked at the screen. Unknown number. Ever more peculiar.

I clicked the answer button on my iPhone. "Hello?"I answered "Is this Zachary Haden?"

The voice sounded like a woman's and vaguely familiar ,but I couldn't place it.

"Yeah this is Zach. Why?" I replied a little confused. "This is Sherry from Roseville Medical Center. I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you."

Sherrie that's who the voice was. Why in the world would the hospital be calling me?

She continued "Drew Carter has been. In an accident..... " After that I completely tuned out.

There was no way in hell Drew could be hurt. It was if I could feel the blood draining form my face.

"Thanks Sherry . . ." I managed to mumble as I hung up and jumped into my truck.

The keys slipped from my fingers as I rush to start the engine. I shot off some profanities as I reached for the dropped keys ,which where now out of reach. Of course.

I finally found the keys with my hand ,but they were slightly out of reach. They jingled slightly as my fingers grazed some of my key chains.

Just a little bit further . . . Got it! I grabbed the keys and stuck them into the ignition. The ignition wouldn't turn over. Just Great I though my thoughts dripping with sarcasm.

I tried it once more before the roar of the Old Beast was eventually heard. I peeled out of the school parking lot and began to make my way to the hospital.

I was speeding at least five miles an hour over the limit. Heck probably ten I didn't care then I just had to get to Drew.

In about ten minutes I arrived at the hospital. I parked at fast as I could.

I shut the nasty old thing off and scrambled out to get into the hospital.

I sprinted across the parking lot. As soon as I arrived at the doors of the medical center I almost busted right through the glass. As I dashed to the Front desk I slipped almost biting it on the linoleum. A move the Breakfast Club would be quite proud of.

The lady at the front desk Sherry I assume didn't even look up for the many worksheets she was working over as she said " Room 207, Zachary" he voice was as emotionless as it was on the phone. It was like she didn't care if a life was in peril...

I hated when people called me that, but in that moment it felt like time itself had somehow slowed down. All that mattered was Drew.

As I reached her room after running I saw Emily was already there sitting in one of the regular room chairs pulled up next to Drew's bed.

There she was. My Drew. It hit me all of a sudden like a ton of bricks. Oh my Angel, bruises and cuts covered her face.

One of her arms in a sling. Another hooked up to an IV. Her heart moniter looked normal. She was breathing. Not conscious ,but alive.

What came next where the tears. They have threatened to spill every once in a while ,but not recently.I haven't cried since my parents divorce. About five years ago. I was going to be strong she wasn't going to see my weak side. Not today.

Relief, a tidal wave of it own washes over me. She wasn't dead. She didn't leave me.

In this realization I had been staring at her In the doorway for probably more than five minutes. I couldn't care less than I did in that moment. She was okay.

I pulled up a chair of my own and slowly picked up her hand. Her fingers were slightly cold as I warmed them with mine. I kissed her small hand as a stray tear I missed made its way to her hand.

There were two green ,very faint, lines on her fingers . One from her class ring. The other from mine. A bought her a chain last week when I saw the mark the rings were leaving.

She put both on the chain. Then asked if I would do the honors. Well ,I wasn't going to say no.

I noticed Emily sometime after I snapped out of the memory. She was crying her eyes out. Make-up smudged everywhere, tissues in her lap, running nose. She was trying to keep her sobs quiet ,but this made them sound even worse.This wasn't just painful for me ,but for her too.

I reached over and grabbed her hand to she looked up at me and I noticed In her eyes too, the brokenness Drew had once had.

I had been busy fixing Drew and I hadn't notice that Emily was In pieces too. We all were I guess.

Because some things that are broken aren't easily fixed . . . There are some things duct tape just can't fix.


Hope you enjoyed it! If there are any errors please message me on Wattpad so I can fix them! Thanks

- Crazy Tiffany

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