"The Queen is here!"

Getting back inside the carriage, I hear the guards keeping the villagers away from me.

"Your Majesty, trust we will keep them away, until your ladies come back.."

"No, it's alright. I want to meet them.."

Opening the carriage door, the villagers slowly make room for me to walk out of.

"Your Majesty.." A little girl said.

"Hello, little one." I smile, as I hold out my hands.

"You are much Beautiful in person, than your portrait..my Queen." A younger man said, about the same age as Bash.

"Well I hope so..Thank you."

Laughing around the villagers, I hold hands with the small children, before Talia and Lydia come back bearing gifts.

"We're back..but it seems you had no worries with company.." Talia whispers.

"No, I didn't."

"What will you name your son?" A woman asked me.

"You will just have to wait..but I promise, you will like the name." I joked, before getting back in the carriage.

Arriving at Elizabeth's castle, I make my way around the hall before hearing her laughter fill the room.

"I brought my best chef back from London. We'll sample his menu later." She says.

"You're really going all out to impress the prince of Denmark."

"Yes, our correspondence has been warm, encouraging. And he knows I'm seeking a husband."

"Denmark's quite a small nation. Are you really considering such a union?" Lola says, as I stand in the corridor of the rooms doors.

"Sweet Lord, no. Denmark's main export is oxen. England suffered an outbreak of hoof-and-mouth disease that nearly wiped out our livestock. We need beasts of burden to plow our fields before the harvest, or we'll all starve." Elizabeth finishes.

"The romantic life of a queen." I say, entering the room unannounced.

"Eliana? I thought you were still in France?" She gasp, as she strided from her chair.

"Yes, well plans change. How are you? And you Lola?" I asked them both.

"Well, say the least.." Elizabeth whispers.

"Elizabeth invited the Prince Of Denmark to England.."

"Well, isn't that a change for once?" I joke.

"Yet, you are still pregnant? I thought you were ready to deliver?" She asked.

"I thought so too..but Scotland needed me right now. And it's too dangerous for me to travel in the ocean, so I came here instead. If you didn't mind.."

"Of course not!"

"We were just discussing how handsome the Prince Of Denmark sounded like." Lola said.

"Lady Lola..your son is in need of seeing you." The Nanny said.

"Of Course. Excuse, You Majesties.."

"Have you seen the Prince in person?" Elizabeth asked me.

"No? But I will take your word for it, if you say he is handsome."

"Don't you wish you were still unwed?" She asked me.

"Speaking of, I didn't mention you were married. Prince Magnus' companion is also seeking a bride. But what's the harm in a little flirting? Especially when you care for your husband so little." She adds, as she stops our tracks.

The Prophesy (TV Series 'Reign') #3Where stories live. Discover now