"Oh Jay, you do realize I have Nathan back home, and he gives a great performance," you said.

"You wouldn't do that. That would be cheating." Jay said.

"That's not cheating at all," you said.

"Yes it is..." Jay said.

"I have my phone right here, Jay," you said. "Nathan is only a text away."

"You wouldn't do that to me. Nathan wouldn't either. That's cheating. You wouldn't want to be a cheater now would you?" Jay said, trying to keep his calm.

"I can always say you let me, you let me do the threesome with you two didn't you?" You said.

"He wouldn't believe it," Jay said. You took your phone and typed something. Jay took your phone out of your hands before you could finish typing. "Sorry babe, but your mine," Jay said. He read the message quickly.

'Hey Nath, can u come pick me up...' The message read.

"What were you going to say?" Jay asked.

"Hey Nath, can you come pick me up because Jay won't let me play dominant tonight?" You said.

Jay smirked at you. "Too bad Superman can't save you tonight," he said, putting your phone on a high shelf.

"It also looks like Bird isn't getting any food either," you said.

"Are you sure you want to continue? Because I can play the same game. I could go to a bar right now and pick up any girl I want." He replied, stepping closer.

"I want to play dominant," you said firmly.

"So do I," he said, just as firm.

"You always play dominant though. It's my turn," you insisted.

"No I don't. You always do." Jay said. You were bickering like children.

"Now Jay, we both know that's not true. When was the last time I used handcuffs on you?" You said. "A long time ago."

"It was like a week ago." Jay said.

"No it wasn't!" You said, exasperated, "you blindfolded me the other night. You always pull the handcuffs out first too, so it's my turn."

"How about we settle this the old fashioned way?" Jay said, taking you out of the bathtub and carrying you to the bed.

"Where are you going with this?" You asked as he set you down on the bed.

"We'll just have to compete for dominance," he said. "First one to moan, loses."

"Game on bitch," you said, crashing your lips into his and pushing him on the bed.

He ran his hands around your body, slipping his tongue in. You kissed him roughly as you tugged on his hair, knowing it had a huge effect on him. He restrained a moan and flipped you over. In an instant, you licked his chest and you could tell it turned him on. He sucked on your collarbone, knowing the effect it had on you. You bit your lip, harder than you intended, restraining the large moan that was threatening to escape.

"If you bite your lip too hard it's going to bleed," Jay said sexily.

"You'd just suck on it anyways," you said.

"I'm no vampire," he said, smirking. He trailed kisses down your body.

"No? But I'm gonna suck on you," you said sexily as you push him off of you and down on the bed. You then placed your lips around him. He was working really hard to restrain his moans. He pushed you off of him and buried his head between your legs. "Mmm Jay," you said sexily.

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