12 Falling into Place

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Stiles held Derek and ran his long fingers through his thick black hair. Derek was holding him to his chest tightly. His scruff was rubbing against Stiles' neck slowly and his hands were gently grasping his shirt.

Stiles was trying his best to comfort Derek. Derek was strong. The feeling of being held by him was very different. The way he was pressed against the front of Derek, he felt very warm and solid.

Funny how someone so strong could be just as fragile as him when it came to his heart.

"It will be okay Derek." Stiles whispers as he gently caresses his hair. "We'll figure it out. We'll get the hunters to leave us alone. It will be safe again and Cora will come back..." Stiles makes promises that he doesn't know if he can make happen. But it doesn't matter. He has to make them happen.

He feels Derek rub his face against his neck slowly in a way that reminded him of dog seeking comfort. But then suddenly he felt something warm and wet against his neck and the scrape of teeth.

Gasping and going stiff he tensed thinking that Derek was going to bite him.

There was a whine and another warm wet lick across his pulse point. This time the rub of his scruff joined in and it made Stiles feel chills go up and down his spine as he turned his head unconsciously showing Derek more of his neck in submission.

There was another low deep whine and teeth scrape across his shoulder and neck.

"D-Derek?" Stiles shivered as he felt his body react to what Derek was doing.

Derek slowly pulled away only enough to look into Stiles eyes.

What he saw there was something he couldn't exactly understand.

Derek's eyes were a deep glowing red but his teeth were slightly turned to sharp fangs but only a little and he could feel the slight scrape of claws against the small of his back.

Stiles felt warm deep inside his chest. His flesh broke out in goose bumps and he shivered again as chills ran up and down his spine.

There was a tear clinging to Derek's cheek. Stiles forgot the fact that this was an alpha werewolf and reached up and brushed the tear away softly.

A broken whine sounded from deep in Derek's chest as he surged foreward and captured Stiles lips in a slow and passionate kiss that Stiles had no idea Derek was capable of. He thought because of him being and alpha that he would be all about the biting and scratching. But Derek's kiss was slow and soft and passionate and almost heartbreakingly tender.

Stiles felt something happen inside him. Like something clicked into place. Like something had been ajar inside him and now it had finally fallen into place and the pain had stopped. 

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