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Darkness. Cold chills down my spine. The faint sound of people calling a name. My name. Bianca. Trying to sit up, stiffness takes over my body and I can barely move. After 2 or 3 tries, I sit up and take a look of my surroundings. I see a dense forest surrounding me and thought the trees, I can see the sun rise making the sky a mix between dark blue and baby blue. It was dusk. When I stood on my two legs, it felt foreign. Like I hadn't been standing for years. I followed the sound of the voices until I came to the edge of the forest where I saw a girl about,  17 or 18,  with a man in his mid 40s looked like. He wore a police officer outfit and held the girl as she cried. Something about the man seemed familiar. So I decided to talk to them. Stepping forward, I spoke in a raspy voice.
"H-Hello?" The crying stopped as the girl looked at me, along with the man. Then,  they looked at my appearance. Gasping, the man rushed to his police car and got me a blanket,  covering me with it. Then, the questions came.
"Who are you? "
"Where did you come from?"
"Are you ok?" I cleared my throat and answered the questions.
"I'm Bianca, I came from the forest, and I guess I'm ok. " When they heard my name, they got silent.
"B-Bianca Swan?" The man asked.
"Yeah, how did you kn-" I was enveloped into a hug from the girl and the man.
"I missed you, B. Its been too long." The girl whispered.
"Ummmm who are you?"
"I'm Bella Swan, your sister."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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