Ch.11-And Sometimes We Lose It

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How did I end up outside Dr. Harding's office at seven in the morning, you may wonder?

I still wasn't entirely sure myself.

The only recollection I had of the morning was hearing my grandfather leave at five, Alec coming into my room an hour later, and somehow ending up where I was. Everything in the middle was a blur.

"I still don't understand what I'm doing here," I garbled around a yawn. "Seriously. I should be sleeping for another three hours. What the hell."

Alec, though, for somebody who had gone on a suicidal rage the night before, was the picture of energy. He shoved open the car door and jumped out, throwing a polite "Just get your ass out" over his shoulder.

Begrudgingly I did as he said. But to be honest, I was still so disoriented somebody could have come by and told me to jump off a bridge and I probably would have done just that. I had on my red pajama pants with dancing tacos along with a black tank top, my hair thrown unattractively up on my head, and I just didn't look suitable for society to see me.

Oh, well.

The same secretary directed us to Dr. Harding's room. She was in there thumbing through papers when we entered. A bright smile lit her face when she saw us. "Alec! So good to see you. I'm glad you called."

"What?" I cried in disbelief. "He called first?"

She nodded, eyes twinkling. "Aren't you proud?"

"Um . . . Yeah. Of course. Why did he call?"

"He said he wanted to talk."

"Great." I watched him flop down on the couch. "So why am I here?"

"He requested your presence."

I stared at Alec, who met my gaze head-on. "Ookay." That wasn't weird at all. "I'll just, like . . . Sit here." I took a seat in a chair, spine rigid, hands folded in my lap. I pretty much just wanted to still be sleeping.

Dr. Harding rolled around her desk in her chair, crossing her legs as she smiled warmly at us. I had this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. That feeling you get right before serious shit goes down.

It isn't that great a feeling.

"Why are we here?" I questioned, as nobody seemed too intent on saying anything. The way I had it figured, the faster we talked, the faster Alec could decide he didn't want to say anything, and the faster we could get out and back to sleep.

"I don't know," Dr. Harding said. "Alec?"

He sat up and leaned forward, bracing his arms over his knees. "I want to tell Lily everything."

I frowned. "Excuse me?"

He smiled, but it was cold. "You said you were curious. You wanted to get to know more about me. Well, now's your chance. So listen up."

I did want to know more, but this was just kind of weird. And unsettling. And I didn't like it. "Alright, then."

He sat back. "I have Borderline Personality Disorder."

I nodded. "I already knew that."

He held up a finger. "Uh-uh. Wait until I'm finished."

I threw my hands in the air and gestured for him to continue. He smirked. "It became sort of apparent when I was younger. Pretty early, compared to regular cases. But before I go into the hellish period that was dealing with my illness, I think we should take a little trip into my home-life, yeah?"

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