I Hate you, Yet I Love you

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The Sun slowly rose as the day began, no losing a single second the cyan headed warrior got ready to go train for the week ahead. As he snuck his way to the door he heard the voice of the one person he hated.

"Oi Dion, why are you up so early in the morning?" asked the girl with fox ears as she tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

"Because I'm going to go training, got a problem with that?" the dual bladed warrior shot, with the face he normally had when talking to Ruby; the annoyed face.

"Um yes because 1. it is 6:00am in the morning, 2. You didn't even tell Lunar that you were going out!" scoffed Ruby as she glared at the cyan head when he replied with a "like I care" face. The two then shared 2 minutes of constant glaring.

" I left a note on Lunar's door so she'll see it, so can you stop fricking bothering me?" sighed Dion as he walked towards the door when,

"Battle Freak" shot Ruby

"Ark Lover" Dion shot back with an effective smirk on his face.

"Why ya calling me Ark lover when you stalked Ark just to battle him, over and over again. Who's the real Ark lover now huh?" glared Ruby as she effective wiped Dion's smirk off his face.

" Says the person who protected Ark every chance she got, you even said you loved him at one point!" Argued Dion as his dual blades overflowed with power as if he was in battle.

" At least I'm someone who doesn't wanna be a loner for the rest of her life!" Ruby shot back as fierce fire burned in her eyes.

"Why do you keep believing that Ark will return the feelings huh?! He loves Ilia for god's sake, and he will do anything for her! In the end you're just going to be heart broken because you foolishly fell in love with him!" shouted Dion, unaware of the several pairs of eyes peeking at the argument from the corner.


"Are you sure that we shouldn't interrupt?" asked Lunar as she peeked worriedly at the two bickering units,

" Yes If we intervene something bad is gonna happen." sighed Medina as she glanced at the two who were currently glaring at each other as Ruby tried to calm herself down from what Dion just said.

"I didn't think Dion would take it this far by rubbing the truth in her face" admitted Yuura as he sighed.

"We never really told Ruby the truth about Ark's feelings towards Ilia because we didn't know how she would react; that is also due to the fact that she is too dense to notice anyways" sighed Rinon

"The truth is out of everyone in our group back then, the person who cared the most about her was probably Dion, even though he is often arguing with her he is actually very concerned about her well being and hated the fact that one day she'll learn the truth about Ark and Ilia's relationship and break down." stated Balgran


"I Hate you! Just leave already, why do I even care for your well being in the first place!" yelled Ruby as she rushed out the door with small tears in her eyes.

"I think I over did it again..." muttered Dion as he sighed and walked out the door to go training. He admitted it, he was never good of giving mercy or holding back, heck his leader skill was to do even more damage to weak types and way more when landing a critical hit, in short Dion trashed his opponents without really trying to if his leader skill was active and they were a thunder type and he landed a critical hit.

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