Sacred Treasures

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Love truthfulness and honesty. These are sacred treasures. Do not lay them aside for a moment. We may be tempted and often tried, but it is at such a time when these lovely treasures shine, and are highly prized. We must cling closely to these precious traits, whatever we may be called to suffer. We must let truthfulness and honesty ever live in our hearts. The Lord will help us, to do right. In His strength we can reform, but never in our own strength. We can give the Lord our hearts, and ask Him to forgive our sins, and if we move with sincerity He will accept us and make us white and clean in His own precious blood. Remember that Jesus suffered, groaned, and died for us, that His blood might cleanse us from sin. But there is a work for us to do. May the Lord clearly open to our mind the plan of salvation, and lead us to give ourselves unreservedly to Jesus as His, to serve Him continually. We must come to Him, love Him because He first loved us; love Him for His lovely character; love Him because He loved us well enough to die for us.

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