God Loves us to Put our Trust in Him

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God loves us to put our trust in him, and ask him to help us. The promise is, "Ask, and ye shall receive." Believe ye receive the things ye ask for, and ye shall have them". Now in the first place we have the promise that if we will ask we shall receive. Then we must think what we most need to overcome. Acquaint ourselves with our failings, and then as we feel we cannot overcome in our own strength, we must ask God to help us. By doing this we acknowledge our own weakness, and throw ourselves upon God's arm. He will sustain us in our efforts to do right. But we must be careful and do not rely too much on our own strength and efforts. Ever realize that Satan is continually trying to lead our inexperienced minds to do wrong. In order to resist his temptations, we must rely upon a power stronger than our own. "Believe ye receive the things ye ask for, and ye shall have them." Do not merely come to God and ask; but believe that he will do just as he has said he would. As you ask, believe he answers, and believe you do receive strength from him. "

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