Chapter 2.

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 I stood in front of him for a couple of minutes without saying a word, my mouth was wide open and I was in deep shock. What he just did never happened before and I could not believe it. No, this was just a bad dream and I had to wake up, just wake up and everything will go away. I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them again but nothing changed, he was there looking at me like a lion looks at his meal and my cheek was still in pain. Wait a second, did he called me whore? Or I have problems with my ears too? Hardly had I come to my senses, it was time that he should explain this.

-       What’s wrong with you? Why did you hit me? I managed to ask.

He ignored my question and I could see him getting even more nervous. But why? What could I possibly do that he would act like this? He clenched his fists and yelled at me:

-       What’s wrong with me???? Are you even serious, you ask ME what’s wrong???

-       Yes, Daniel, I ask you, why did you hit me?? I tried to be calm still thinking maybe this is just a misunderstanding.

-       Because you deserved it you whore!!! That’s why I hit you!!

He was still yelling and I could not figure out why he was acting like that but it begun to piss me off.

-       I am not a whore and you know it Daniel! Now it was my turn to yell at him.

-       Oh…yes you are and I cannot believe the way you fooled me, you bitch!

-       What???

-       Don’t pretend now that you aren’t because I know everything and I am telling you this marriage is over starting from this moment!!!!!!

-       Daniel why are you doing this? What happened? Please talk to me!!!! I was getting really mad and sad at the same time.

-       What happened?? You are asking me what happened. You really have some nerves there.  

His voice was lower now but I was still going crazy for not knowing why the hell was he acting like this?

-       Daniel, I really don’t know what you are talking about, just tell me, and tell me now!! I managed to shout.

-       OH….well let me refresh your memory then!

-       Yes, refresh my memory, please!

-       First of all, I cannot believe that you are acting like you don’t know anything and second, did you think I would never find out?

I swear to God I was going crazy right there.

-       What did you find out? Tell me God damn it! Still shouting.

-       With how many men did you sleep before me Caroline?? Now he dropped his hands in the air.

-       What? Why is that important to you?

-       It is and you know why? Of course you know why! Because you told me you had 3 boyfriends before me but they were actually around 35 isn’t it?

Oh my God, I was totally getting back to being in shock again, was this really happening?

-       Try to deny it Caroline, try to deny it! His voice was calm right now.

-       Daniel why is this even important to you? I thought you did not care about this things.

-        Why is this important to me? Are you fucking serious??

I did not have the chance to answer that question because he came pointing a finger to me and said:

-       Are you forgetting who my parents are? You are really kidding me right?

-       Daniel, I ….

-       Don’t even try to lie to me again because this marriage is over! You slept with more than 35 men and you consider yourself good enough to be part of this family? Jesus, I am going crazy, how is this even possible? I am such a foul, my mom was right, there was something going on with you!

Tears started to fall down on my cheeks, I know this is the moment where I can’t say anything because his words where true. Yes, I slept with all those men but when you love somebody why is that even important? And it’s not like I knew what I was doing back then. It happened when I was a teenager and I did it only because at that time I was stupid enough to think that that was what I had to do for men to love me. Yes, I know what you think, how can somebody think that? But believe me it happened to me and I cannot change it, even if I would and I would more than anything in the world.  

-        Baby I am so sorry….I am really sorry. I was crying my eyes out and I could not stop.

-       How can you do this to me?? I loved you whore!!!! I loved you!!

He was yelling again but I know he was in pain too. I had to fix this, I could not let the past ruin my present.

-       I am not a whore Daniel!

-       Yes, you are! Why didn’t you tell me from the start? Why?

-       Because I thought this is not important and because ….

-       You thought this is not important???

-       Yes!!!! I thought our love is true and our feelings are more important than my past, obviously I was wrong.

-       No, no, you didn’t tell me because you knew I would never marry you if you did! Don’t lie to me anymore there is no need for that. Everything is over between us!

-       No it’s not! I am not going to give you up just because you come from a rich family and this is what they want and not what you want!

-       Oh baby, baby, this IS what I want!! I want you gone tomorrow morning, I really don’t want to see you again!

-       I am not going to leave, I love you!

-       Yes you will, it’s just a matter of time but I can assure you that you will leave sooner or later.

-       Daniel, please listen to me, baby I love you more than anything in the world, please let’s calm down and talk about it in the morning ok?   

-       There is nothing to talk about! I would like to lay down now I am really exhausted.

-       Daniel please! Look at least eat something, I made you your favorite dish. Please!

-       I am not hungry and I don’t think lasagna will stay my favorite. Oh and I will sleep in the guest room!

-       Daniel…..

-       I hope you will be gone when I wake up in the morning! Richard will contact you about the divorce papers.

With those words he was gone to the guest room, I was just standing there crying like an idiot. He didn’t even care. Not giving me the chance to explain myself, not giving me the chance to tell him how afraid I was without him and how meaningless my life would become if I would never see him. No, this could not happen, he was my universe, my life, I loved him and he loved me. Why is this happening to me? Why? What harm could I possibly do and to whom to deserve this? And why is love not helping?   

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2013 ⏰

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