forget me not

15 2 0

i'm listening to the hamilton soundtrack ay

i say I've forgotten you
but when I break down
in the middle of the road
and collapse on the cobbles, sobbing your name,
I realise I remember
far too much. 
your eyes were the colour
of forget me nots
so maybe that's why
i don't forget you
even if i say i have
because carving your name
into my skin with a razor
isn't forgetting you
and drinking until i can't
even remember the message
i left after the beep isn't either. your tongue tasted like drugs
so maybe i got addicted
and maybe that's why
i never forget the
lingering taste of your mouth. maybe that's why i start crying
at midnight when the tv
is turned down low
because i miss the
taste of your mouth
and i miss the feel of you
kissing your way up my body. and you always smelt like roses
so maybe that's why whenever
my roommate hugs me
I hold on too tight
because she smells
just like you
and maybe that's why
i go to the rose garden
on the other side of town
all the time
because it reminds me of you
and my secret is
i don't want to forget you.

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