Baby Scorpious

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9 months later

"Babe it's alright, just breathe!" Draco coaxed as we reached the wizard hospital after we apparated. "I'm so
dizzy, why didn't we take the car?" I asked, Draco was holding me up. "It's far away sweetie. And it's none of our- problem now." Draco answered.

"Uh, ma'am?" Draco asked, she looked up,"My wife is going into labor, can we get her a room, fast?" Draco asked calmly,"Yes sir, the doctors are coming down the hall with a stretcher." The nurse looked back at her
desk and continued her work.

The doctor and nurses put her on the stretcher and rolled her away."This is YOUR wife you know,"said the nurse,"You are allowed to go down there." "Oh alright!"
Draco answered as he ran down the hall to me.

The nurses have already transferred me onto my bed and did all there Doctor stuff. Draco came and walked into the room and pulled up a chair beside my bed, "Oh I'm so proud of you honey," Draco continued,"Your having our twins!" I smiled, I looked into his eyes and saw happiness.

"Oh she's about to have the babies!" The doctor warned, I breathed. Hee-hoo hee-hoo hee-hoo.


"Here's your baby boy!" The doctor said happily,"Oh... Wha-" he became silent. "What happened?" Draco asked. The doctor pulled out the baby, she was dead. "I'm sorry you two, she had a miscarriage as she was coming out." The doctor sighed.

"What?" I yelled,"No, no, NO! NOT MY BABY GIRL!" I was crying bullets. Draco comforted me,"It's alright. We have our baby boy." "She was always the one kicking, she would always make me think of how proud your would be of her, I would dress her up in cute outfits. I would take care of her. I would-" I started crying again.

5 weeks later

I came out if the hospital, with my normal clothes and my new born baby, Scorpious. We apparated back home and it seemed fine with Scorpious. Oh he got his father's hair, my cheerful smile, Draco's cute ears, and my fabulous nose. He reminded me of us.

We walked up the flight of stairs and opened the door to his nursery, the attic. We thought it would be too plain to use ladders, so we added stairs so he can go up and down if he pleases. The attic was painted with all- wizard things. everything Quittich, Snape and Albus, Hogwarts, and stars in the sky to Blend the picture in, the stars glow in the dark. We have his big-boy bed all the way up on the second story (we cut that floor in half so he can see his bottom floor of his room, we also added railings so he doesn't fall), his big desk underneath that platform. His baby crib floats and can move, so we put it by his desk. His toys are in the corner where his art supplies are and his sport stuff is at. His carpet basically
fits the whole room, his Slytherin dresser is in the other corner with his closet. And he has a mirror to cover up the whole rest of the space on that side of the wall as
tall has Hagrid.

This is all within 2 years of being a Ginny Malfoy. Draco's already 26 and I'm 25, turning 26 soon! And Scorpious just was introduced to this world. The baby world.

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