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So I got some homework due tomorrow(Thursday) block two.
I've had it for a while, and I kept putting it off, everytime I had that class I told the teacher I was gonna have it done next lesson........ I haven't done it, and I can't promise her I will have it don't the next lesson, cause she needs BOTH the two assessment things she needs so she can write my report which she needs to do by Friday.

The reason I haven't done it is that I keep getting homework that I don't understand and it stresses me out, and when I'm stressed I can't focus so I distract myself with an episode of something and I keep watching it then I never get my homework done.


Wow. I am writing this on my iPad, which currently can't caps lock, so the process of taping the shift button then a letter then the shift then a letter...... Was really time consuming

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