im pregnant

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Niall Horan: you guys seriously know how to cheer a lad up!

Sophia: Liam?

Grace: ----->​ harry, oh really?

Liam Payne: What's up babe?

Harry Styles: I DO 

Brielle: Igh

Alice left the chat 16 minutes ago

Jasmine: Likes. Urgh god damn phone

Harry Styles: and erm yeah 

Brielle: Ugh

Grace: cheer up IRISH LAD!

Sophia: i just read a fanfiction about you -_-


Liam Payne: Um,

Niall Horan: LOL

Harry Styles: are you really that jealous??

Liam Payne: What happened in it?

Brielle: HAHAHA

Louis Tomlinson: haha


Harry Styles: its a fanfiction-NOTHING TO DO WITH LIAM

Liam Payne: Sophia,

Zayn Malik: hahaha you are in trouble Mr Payne


Grace: no need to be jealous sophia its just imagines

Jasmine: Omfg my friend is being a pervert so 1 minute

Liam Payne: What happened in the fanfiction that got you so upset.

Louis Tomlinson: were is Eleanor?

amori: im new here ☆

Harry Styles: its the fans, its not liam sophia!!

Sophia: Liam James Payne we need to talk right now!!

Brielle: Hi amori

Niall Horan: i need to call greg and see if he fixed that railing brb

Louis Tomlinson: no

Liam Payne: Okay.

Harry Styles: SOPHIA GO AWAY

Brielle: huehuehuhuehuehuhuegue

Jasmine: 0.0


Brielle: LEAVE

Grace: harry don't be rude!

Niall Horan: shut up hoe

Louis Tomlinson: SOPHIA, LIAM IS OURS!

Liam Payne: I get that you're mad.

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