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The wind blew stronger, causing the shivering male to pull his coat tighter to his body.

Walking down the empty street, he looked around, eyes blurred slightly due to the cold wind, for any sign of a motel he could stay in over night. His car had swerved slightly off the road after hitting a patch of ice and wouldn't start back up again, the male assumed it was because of the extremely cold weather Busan was currently suffering through, that left him in this predicament. Another shiver ran through his body, causing him to pick up his pace so he could find some sort of shelter quicker.

No sign of life was seen through the thick layer of fog winter had brought along, bringing an eery chill down his spine, making the hairs on the back of his slender neck stand on end. The tired male has been wandering around for what feels like hours, his feet are dragging, and his breath is coming out in jagged puffs. Hands are numb, and no matter how many times he's tried warming himself up, it isn't working. Now, if he knew he was going to be stranded in minus seeming-like thirty degree weather, he would've made sure to rug up more, but he was just assuming he'd be able to drive from his last stop to his final destination, a motel,  and stay warm the whole way.

Teeth chattering and fingers cramped from the cold, he finally spots some light through the fog. Making the distance between him and the light smaller at a faster pace he sees what he assumes to be a open diner, luckily enough. It's hard finding things open this late at night, especially during winter. A relieved sigh escapes his numb lips as he nears the small shop, almost slipping on some snow clumsily as he speeds to the door. Opening it, he is instantly greeted with warmth that floods his cold and tired body, the smell of coffee and pastries fill his senses and he lets out a relieved laugh.

Finally, he thinks, warmth.

A goofy smile spread across his face as he approached the counter, dusting most of the snow off his blonde hair and his good-for-nothing coat, he fumbled around for his wallet, slinging his bag off his back, snow falling off it as he did so. He fumbled around in all of its pockets, finally finding it in the smallest one. He held it up in triumph then looked down to the floor seeing snow clumped to his shoes and also in a light dusting around where he stood.

It'll melt, he thought with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Hello, would you like to order?" A kind elderly woman came over to the counter a bright smile on her face, slightly startling the male who was too focused on looking through his wallet to see if he had enough money; he did.

"Uh, yes, I would like a large hot chocolate please and thank you," She rang up his total and he paid the correct amount, giving her a nod when she told him it wouldn't take too long.

Turning around and looking to find a seat, the blonde found an empty booth in the corner of the quaint diner. He made his way over, slid into the window seat, and took out his work items from his bag to see if anything has been damaged from his small trek in the snow. Nothing was damaged, just freezing to the touch and the male decided to work on his notes, to see if he can add any improvements to his writing, or find some more information from the news paper clippings he's acquired. The blonde male is a journalist, and his current 'mission' is to write an article of the unsolved murder case that took place 4 years ago here in Busan. He took a particular interest to it without really knowing why, he just found the case very appealing. With this strange pull towards his work, he became very engrossed and didn't even realise the brunet that has sat across from him.

He looked up slowly after realising someone was seated across from him, at first he thought it was someone bringing over his hot chocolate, but when he realised there was no mug of the warm heaven sent liquid, he looked at the male in front of him with a confused expression adorning his features as he opened his mouth slightly to speak.

"Hello?" As soon as that word slipped past his lips the brunet's attention went from all the work surrounding the blonde to looking up at him eyes wide and his mouth opened agape. He looked shocked that the blonde had noticed him, but why?

"Y-you can see me?" The whispered words surprised the journalist. Did he think he was blind or something? How could he when there is all this paper sprawled out in front of him?

"Why would I not be able to see you?" He spoke slowly, directed to either himself or the brunet across from him, the journalist wasn't sure, all he knows is that he's really confused with the situation at hand. The still-wide-eyed boy was clearly confused as well as he thought about something to say back.

"I-uh- you? I am sorry... This is awkward," The brunet stumbled over his words as he spoke quietly and a very light pink dusted over his pale cheeks in embarrassment.

"It is..." The blonde looked back down at his work with furrowed brows and a slight frown adorning his features, then back at the confusing boy. Both males had the same expression, the brunet having an embarrassed blush added to the mix.

The blonde was silent for a few moments as he assessed he situation. There was one outcome he focused on as a smile spread across his face as he took the initiative to spark a conversation, deciding to ignore the awkwardness.

"But seeming as we're already talking, Hi, I'm Taehyung,"

"I'm Jungkook."


oOh oo ooH (((;

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