Chap 2~ Is this the end for me?

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I wake up from a bucket of boiling water over me. I screamed and had hot tears streaming down my face. I opened my eyes to see my dad, he had a smirk across his face that I so badly wanted to whip off his face. I jumped out of my bed and 'TRIED' to get out of the room but my dad grabbed me and smashed me against the wall. I was in so much pain i couldn't remember anything else after that, all I can remember is a lot of blood...scattered all around me.

I wanted to fight back but I was so week. I fought through the pain and stood up tall I grabbed the closest thing to me which was the bucket from before, without thinking I swung the bucket towards his stomach. He didn't even take affect to that, he forcefully grabbed me and threw me into the wall. Now I was in more pain than ever in my life, I felt like that was the end and at that I went into my deep dark slumber...

HEY SOLDIERS! It's me GlamorousWolf12 here and I would like to apolagise for two reasons so here we go. 1 I'M SORRY THIS IS A DAY LATE! (Lol on my first one aswell!) and 2 I'M SORRY THIS IS SHORT I JUST WANTED TO GET IT OUT AND POSTED AND I HAVEN'T HAD THE BEST PAST DAYS! So yea another thing I wanted to say is me and Aphmau_Fan_Phoenix_1 do post our chapters separate, she did the first chapter and I did this one and it will go in this pattern. So yea hope u enjoyed this even though its SUPER short! and so I'm gonna give u some questions. 1 What do u think will happen? 2 Why is Aphmau's parents so mean? and 3 CAN U WAIT UNTIL NEXT CHAPTER!? anyway BYE WARRIORS! 

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