Chapter 2

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Hope you enjoyed my first chapter! This chapter will be the same day, just from Emily's point of view if that makes sense

Anyways hope you like it, the first few chapters are mainly filler so please keep reading if you're bored, I swear it gets better

Thank you!


Emily's POV

I let out a yawn first thing when I awoke. I had an internal alarm clock so I never had to set one. It was nice not having to wake up to a blaring noise every morning, and it made me wonder how those who have to set an alarm survive. A sigh escaped my lips as I sat up in my bed, rubbing my tired eyes. Next, I checked my phone like I do every morning. The time read 7:00, and I had one message from my boyfriend, Sam.

Sam - Morning babe, can't wait to see you at school. Love you.

I smiled at the text. Sam and I had been dating for about a year now, and he was the love of my life. He was tall, strong, had brown hair that was spiked at the top and buzzed on the sides and back, and these deep green eyes that could just hypnotize anyone. He was caring, protective, and well perfect. I mean, sometime he would get mad and hurt me... but it was never anything too severe. He loved me, and he just had to assert his dominance sometimes. That's all. He loves me though.

I climbed out of bed and walked over to my closet. My closet was pretty big, much like my room. I had blue walls and a white carpet, with a queen sized bed, a dresser, a desk, and a vanity mirror. I loved it, and my closet had so many clothes in it. I suppose you could say my family is rich... I mean my mom is a lawyer and my dad is a scientist. I don't see my parents much because they are usually away for work. So most often, I'm left with the house to my two little siblings and I, but I love them. It can be hard to explain to them why Mom and Dad are always gone, but they don't usually ask.

There's Carly, my 8 year old sister. She has long blonde hair and bangs, and is a major tomboy. She doesn't really like girly stuff, and rough plays with her brother a lot. That's Jamie, my 7 year old brother. He has short brown hair that's all curly, and is an angel pretty much. Jamie and Callie play fight, but they hardly ever actually fight. And they listen to everything I say, like I'm their mom. I mean, I kinda am, since our parents are never around. I have to get them to and from school everyday, feed them, dress them, and take care of them.

I decided to pick out a blue dress that came just to my knees, and a white denim jacket over it with white flats. After I picked my outfit, I went to go wake up Jamie and Carly. They each had their own rooms, but most often they would be sleeping together in Carly's room so they wouldn't be lonely. I walked into Carly's room and found them both sleeping. I smiled lightly as I went and shook them both slightly.

"Morning sleepies. Gotta get up and get ready for school." I said as they both squirmed around. Carly sat up, yawning and rubbing her eyes. It was adorable, and it made me upset that Mom and Dad never saw this.

"Morning Em." Carly spoke tiredly. She gave me a hug and then I stood up.

"Can you get your brother up please? I need to go take a shower." I said and she nodded at me whilst climbing out of bed. I smiled and walked out of the room. I headed to the shower and quickly showered. I got out and got dressed, then curled my long blonde hair, and brushed my teeth. I also applied my normal makeup which consists of eyeliner, mascara, foundation, blush, eye shadow, and lipstick. It might seem like a lot, but trust me, this is my casual look.

After I finished I grabbed my bag and phone from my room and headed to the kitchen. One of the things about my parents being gone most often was I never knew when I would see them or when they'd be home. To no surprise, they both were gone. They had left me a note saying that they had come home last night for a minute, but had to quickly leave. They left me some money to buy food for me and my siblings. It kinda sucked not getting to see them. But not everything is fair right?

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