chapter twenty-seven: [i need you]

Start from the beginning

        I looked up and her eyes followed, meeting mine. "But I do know that when you are- you'll know."

I gave her a soft nod, thanking her. Melissa shrugged.

   "Just doing my daily duties." She wiggled her eyebrows, turning back to her computer.

   A phone began buzzing, Melissa's, vibrating on the table. She glanced to it and picked it up, hitting the green answer button, placing it against her ear.

She let the person respond, before scoffing. "Scott, do you know how many people I deal with in a day?"

    Melissa rolled her eyes at Scott. "I already talked to the police about this."

She nodded to herself, before pulling the phone away. A picture pulled up, of Matt. What did Matt have to do with Melissa? And why did Scott want to know?


   "Yeah. . . I did. I mean, I remember I stopped him because he was tracking mud in the hall? Scott, what's going on?"

Melissa huffed, pulling away her phone, showing the dropped call. I rolled my eyes.

Her phone buzzed seconds later with a text, from Scott.

     Scott: meet at police station. Will explain.

   "What?" Melissa whispered to herself, shaking her head.

"Mom, come on." I nodded, standing up. "We gotta go."

  "Well- hold on a minute. Go for what?" She cinched her eyebrows, confused. My eyes widened.

    "Well, if Scott says he needs you at the police station- shouldn't we go?" I nodded quickly, hoping I could get her there for whatever Scott needed her for. It's obviously pretty important if Scott's calling her for something, because the last thing I know he wants to do is drag her into this mess.

Melissa looked to me strangely for a minute, before shutting her eyes with a loud exhale, grabbing her bag at the same time. "Fine. Fine. This better be good."

          I clenched my fists in victory, before jogging to the car.


    Melissa and I pulled up to the station, the headlights gleaming on the side of the brick building. She shut off the engine and unlocked the car, both of us stepping out, shutting the doors.

   "What could Scott possibly need me for at the station?" She mumbled to herself. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Best scenario, he hit someone with their bike." I nodded. She furrowed her brows at me.

    "Worst scenario?"

"Worst scenario," I bit my lip warily. "He needs help. Desperately."

    Melissa took a shaky breath but walked next to me. I opened the door, letting her through, into the air conditioned building. The fluorescent lights almost burning, if I hadn't been sitting in the hospital lobby for the past hour.

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