Chapter Twenty-two

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The dinner was awesome and relaxing. Everybody was talking and laughing and Chase kept handing things out with his magic before anybody could ask because he could read anybody's mind without even wanting too. The thoughts just came right into his mind. Through the dinner I was able to handle the smell and eat all at the same time and then when Chase, Irina, and I got done eating we went to the living room and turned on some cartoons. "How are you feeling?" Emmett asks sitting next to me and I smile at him. "I'm feeling fine now. I'm not puking so that's a good thing." He chuckles. "Have you been to the doctor yet about the baby?" he asks. I nod. "Yesterday. I got ultrasound pictures. I put them in the photo album already." I say leaning my head against his shoulder. "Are you tired?" he asks worriedly. I nod. "Why don't you go to bed? I'll get the kids ready for bed and into bed later on. We'll all be quiet and let you rest." I smile up at him and kiss his lips. "Mommy's going to bed alright little ones? I'll see you two in the morning." I say kissing Irina's head and Chase's head. Kiya hugs my legs and I ruffle up his hair. My three year old little sister walks over to me and hugs my legs as well. "Night Sam." I say ruffling up her hair as well.

I go upstairs and get changed into some pajama's and then I lay down and fall asleep. When I woke up it was nine in the morning and I was wrapped in Emmett's arms and he was snoring slightly letting me know that he was still asleep. I could hear the TV on downstairs and I automatically knew the twins were up already. "Emmett let me up. The twins are already downstairs." I say softly trying to pry his arm off of me. He groans. "No. Just lay here with me for a few more hours." he says sleepily. "I have to pee as well so let me up." I say annoyed and he pouts and opens his eyes. "I just wanna hold you." he says. "You can hold me tonight." I say placing a kiss on his lips. I shove him away and get up and go to the bathroom and go pee and then I brush my teeth. I put my hair into a messy bun and leave the room and head downstairs. "Hi mommy." Irina says when I walked into the living room. She was still in her Ariel nightgown as Chase was still in his spider man pajama's. Chase walks over to me and lifts his arms up and I smile and pick him up and he places his head on my shoulder. "Who wants breakfast?" I ask with a grin and Irina darts to the kitchen. I chuckle.

I sit Chase down on the stool in front of the counter and I get behind the counter and get into the fridge to grab the chocolate chips and then I get the pancake batter out of the cabinet and start making chocolate chip pancakes. "It smells so good in here." Emmett groans out as he walks in and I smile at him. He scoops up the twins and pretends to start eating their necks and acting like a caveman making them giggle and squeal. I smile. "Daddy put us down!" Irina squeals out giggling. Emmett chuckles and sits them back down on the stools and Emmett comes over to me and wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my neck. I smile and lean back into him slightly. "You're making my favorite." he mumbles in my ear. "I figured it would wake you up and get your lazy ass down here." I say and he chuckles. "I hope we get twins again." he says placing his hands on my stomach. "I was hoping the same." I say grinning up at him. "I bet you were. Now don't burn the food." I hurriedly flip the pancake and then glare at Emmett.

"Quit distracting me asshole." I snap. "Mommy said a bad word!" Irina yells. "Yes mommy did say a bad word. Two actually." Emmett says with an evil look in his eye. "I swear I will castrate you." I growl glaring at him making him chuckle. "I'm not doing anything." he says innocently. "It's what you're planning on doing." He laughs and grabs a cup of coffee and then sits at the counter. I roll my eyes at him. "Who wants breakfast?" I sing song making Irina squeal and start bouncing in her seat making me and Emmett laugh. I sit their plates on the dining room table and then I grab my own and we sit around the table. We eat as we talk and then Emmett gets the twins ready as I put the dishes in the dishwasher and get ready myself. We all meet up at the front door and I pick up Chase. "You guys are gonna go with Daddy okay so Mommy can get a few things. We'll all meet back up at the food court." I say as me and Emmett hook the twins up in the van. They nod and Emmett gets into the driver's seat as I get into the passengers seat. We immediately head to the mall. The twins go with Emmett as I go to Victoria Secrets and grab a few things to surprise Emmett and then I go buy a few more outfits and buy stuff we need and then I buy a watch for Emmett for his birthday tomorrow since he's been wanting one and get I love you engraved in it with an infinity sign and my name below it to say who it's from. Then I head to the food court right as Emmett started to call me. "Hey baby. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven because you look like an angel." I hear a husky voice say in my ear right as I answered. "Say what?" Emmett asks angrily from the other end. "Back off asshole. I'm engaged." I snap shoving the guy off me. "Come on baby. He doesn't have to know." The guy says putting his hand under my top. "I'm going to break your hand." I spat slapping his hand away from my stomach. "Mommy!" I hear Irina squeal and I turn just in time to catch her in my arms. Emmett walks over with Chase in his arms and a scowl on his face. I pocket my phone. "That's my pregnant fiance." Emmett snaps glaring at the guy. He rolls his eyes. "She's probably cheating on you anyways. There's way more better looking men like me out here." The guy says calmly and I roll my eyes. Chase starts whining and reaching for me so I grabbed him and put him on my other hip. He immediately shuts up. 'Is he bothering you mommy?' I hear Chase think to me. 'Yes. But Daddy and I will handle it. You can't expose yourself. Remember that.' I think back as Emmett growls and snarls at the other guy. "I'm going to fucking kill you." Emmett rages as his eyes flash black. "Babe the kids." I say in disbelief. "Not in the mood Iris." He says through clenched teeth. I sigh. "He's not worth it. Now can you pick up all the bags so we can go home? I have full hands with the twins. And pregnant mommy is hurting." I say pouting and his face softens when he sees me. "You got lucky." Emmett spat before punching him in the face. He grabs the bags and just walks away from us.

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