"Hey," Richard suddenly laughed, as he jerked away from Paul's tweaking fingers.

"Move, then, you great scaled lump," Paul murmured, as he turned a tender smile down upon his lover. "I'd like to go home, please."

Richard laughed at that, and stood, close enough to slide both arms around Paul's waist and smile at him. Paul pecked a kiss against Richard's smile, and grinned back when Richard chased his mouth for another kiss. Paul allowed Richard to capture his mouth again, lips working gently against lips, Richard's arms a warm and welcome trapping cage around him. They ended the kiss when a sudden polite cough interrupted them from nearby; both men turned, arms still wrapped neatly around each other's bodies, to find Olli standing nearby, smiling at them.

"Are you ready for your cheque?" Olli asked, quietly.

"Yes," Richard said, with a smile, into the other man's quietly grinning face. "The meal was very nice, thank you."

"You can come again, if you like; you're always welcome," Olli said. "The bar's always open, if you just want a drink, or you can have a meal again. We need more people like you here."

Paul almost asked what he meant, yet Richard nodded, and forestalled further questioning by speaking again.

"We'll definitely remember that. Won't we, Paulchen?" he said, as he turned a sharp glance upon Paul.

"Absolutely," Paul replied, with a smile that was just as much genuine as it was surprised.

"Super. Hope to see you here, again. Sorry about the cat earlier," Olli said, with a roll of his eyes at the two dragons. "He's usually all right, like I said, but there are some people he reacts to more than others. It's not personal, I assure you. We are a safe haven here, despite ferocious, oddly named cats."

Paul suddenly grinned at that, an expression which was suddeny echoed by Richard. They remained silent, even as they paid for their meal, both splitting the costs despite much gentle arguing between them. The man that had stared at Paul in the rest-room came to stand nearby, and Richard, too, stared back at him, a little alarmed. He said nothing and neither did Paul; instead, they agreed to return when Olli gently insisted that they do so, repeating again his earlier assertions that Sanguine was a safe haven for them.

They descended from the door out in the night street again, which was cooler, fresher than the day had been, although an odd, electrical humid charge in the air promised a thunder storm before the night was through. Paul shivered, dragon self reacting with excitement to the frisson in the air; he wondered then what it would be like to fly through the storm, to ride the winds and to witness lightning close up. He didn't realise he'd spoken aloud until Richard answered, him, surprising him with his voice and his words.

"I wouldn't advise it, Paulchen," Richard laughed, the noise a soft deep rumble in the dark streets. "I've never tried it myself and I wouldn't want to, either. Imagine if some of the lightning seared through your wings? Not a pleasant thought."

Paul shuddered against Richard, suddenly imagining ripped wings and seared musculature, and the accompanying pain such torment would cause.

"Anyway, I don't think this is the time or place to be talking about things like that, Paul," Richard admoinished gently, as he surreptitiously glanced at the street around them. "Leave that for our flat, where it's safe."

"Got ya," Paul said, with a rueful laugh, more aimed at himself than at Richard. "Sometimes I just can't stop talking; I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry for that, Paul," Richard said, amusement warming his tone and colouring their link with lemon yellow, as they finally reached Paul's car. "I like your constant chatter. Just watch what you're talking about and where, is all I'm saying."

Sanguine (Kreuzberg Dragonshifters Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now