Dreams and hangovers.

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"Ros?" I hear a familiar voice whisper and the touch sends shivers down my spine.

I gasp and open my eyes wide. "What's wrong my darling?" The voice purrs, I look down at where I was touched - my hand.

It's David, and I instantly relax once I realise it's him in the room with me. "Where am I?"

"You fell asleep on the sofa, so I carried you in here, to my spare room and I just brought you up a cup of tea."

"Oh - uh-" I was a little speechless at the kindness David had shown me after me turning up tipsy last night. "Thanks." I cough out. "How bad was I last night?" I ask a little embarrassed. My head was pounding and my mouth was stupidly dry.

"Amusing." Is all David can say, however he smirks at his comment and most likely the memories of it. "I don't think I've ever seen you in such a state, you still can't hold your drink... How's the head?" He asks handing me the cup of tea.

"Not too bad, considering." I lie, then sip at the tea then put it on the bedside table. David's eyes look towards the cup and I see my opportunity to see what I'm wearing...

Exactly what I came in.

I thought, then looked back up to David who is already looking back at me with soft eyes. I can't help but blush and look away, he sighs happily and a moment of comfortable silence passed.

"I had a dream, a really good dream." I croak.

"What was it about my darling?" He mutters and strokes the tangled knots out of my hair.

I smile at the gesture, and I'm ready to tell David my dream. "It was you and me," I close my eyes and picture the scene again. "we were in your car together, and you were driving."

"Where were we?" He asks.

"I don't know, just driving on roads, no cars, it was just you and me on the empty roads... We had no idea where we were going, and then, Modern Love began playing!" I open my eyes and smile widely.

David smiles his crooked smile back and I grab my covers of my bed excitedly. "We were singing it so loudly, the car was going so fast, I felt free... It was perfect..." My smile then drops as I mutter the words: "I just wish it was real." He laughs then sighs.

"Hm," David hums and pulls his hand to his face, almost trying to get an idea. "sounds like an interesting dream my Little Rebel."

"It was wonderful, David, honestly, the most amazing dream I've had in awhile...!" I beam a smile and then flop back into my crisp pillow.

"Where are the boys?" He asks which makes me crash back down into reality.

"Will must be looking after them." I yawn.

"When can I meet them?" David ponders.

"David..." I sigh. "You have to realise that the boys adore you..."

"Just like you then." He winks as he jokes which makes me blush again.

"If they saw you, they'd pass out... Besides, how would you react in front of Ziggy? You haven't seen him since he was born..." I cover my face trying to imagine how Ziggy would feel knowing his dad was David Bowie...

"You're right, maybe introduce me in a few weeks or so." David breathes.

"David - no. William can't know you're back here in Brixton, I don't know what he'll do - he might not even let you near my house...!" I panic.

"Shh, Ros..." He starts to stroke my hair again and I slowly calm down again. "We'll be ok, I promise."

I slow my breathing down, the boys were the most important people in my life, I wanted to keep them away from danger for as long as possible... But David wouldn't be a danger to them, would he?

"Do you want to take a shower?" David asks and I just blink at him with wide eyes. "You could wear a shirt of mine and some shorts?"

"Oh, no, I better not..." I look away, and realise I've just made things awkward for us both. "William will be wondering where I've been, who I've been with... I best get home, to the boys, and I might even get some work done later." I get out of the bed and wipe my eyes to try and wipe up some of my dark makeup from my cheeks.

"I can drive you home?" David offers hopeful I'll say yes.

"David." I sigh and turn to him. "I hate to rude, but, you only showed up at my door just over a month ago."

"Ros you were the one who came to my house last night..." He bites.

"Yes, but I was drunk."

"Yes, because you and your husband had an argument, and you wanted to forget about him and wanted to be in the presence of someone who you knew would make you happy." He growls.

He's right.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Let's get you home." He sighs sadly.

"David," I hold his arms. "When can I see you again?" I mutter.

He smiles wide at me. "I'll tell you what... I'll take you out one night, dress in something warm though. Oh, and there's a surprise for you." He smirks.

"What's the surprise?"

"Margo's coming over from America tomorrow." I gasp happily and clap my hands excitedly.

Margo, possibly one of the only people I could call my friend. Yes she was David's P.A. but she was still a good friend...

"Wait, she's been your P.A. for this long?" I ask amazed.

"No, no, she's married now, she has a little girl. We're just friends now, she's head of my P.A.'s though when she can be, I have a few now..." He smiles.

"How olds the little girl?" I ask.

"Oh, Madison is about 5 now, she's a lovely little thing!" He tells me.

"Is Madison and Margo's husband coming over too?" I ask hopeful to meet them.

"No, just Margo." David grabs his keys and ruffles his hair. "Now, let's go home." David smiles and puts his arm around my shoulders and we walk out of his gorgeous house together.

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