Just after the War is over.

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As Harry Potter walked down the partly destroyed Great Hall, he saw a sight he had wanted to see for a long time. He saw Ginny Weasley in all her beauty, talking to Neville Longbottom. He decided he had ages to talk to the others. Years to talk to the others. He just wanted to talk to Ginny, the love of his life. He mustered up all of his courage and walked up to Ginny and Neville.

"Hey guys" said Harry. Ginny jumped slightly and turned round and smiled the biggest smile she could given the circumstances.

"Hello Harry. How are you feeling?" she asked him, her voice full of concern for him. As Harry looked at her arms, he saw that she had lots of red, angry scars and cuts zig-zagging up and down her pale arms. He felt angry that she had been hurt not just emotionally but physically. He wanted to hurt anyone who hurt his Ginny.

"Ginny can I talk to you please? In privete?" Harry asked. Ginny looked shocked but nodded. Neville got the message and walked off to find Luna.

"Look Gin. Leaving you and not letting you know why was the stupidest thing I have ever done. I really missed you. Please forgi-" but he was cut off by Ginny pulling his head down to hers and kissing him with so much passion, it made him stumble. Ginny and him pulled back so that they could breath. 

"Harry. I'm sorry! I dont know what I was-" but she was cut off by Harry pulling her into his strong arms and kissing her on her soft, moist lips. As Ginny melted into the kiss, forgetting they were kissing infront of everybody in the Great Hall, Harry felt someone pat his arm. He broke the kiss off to find Mr Weasley standing there, grinning like he had just found a new muggle item to play with.

"We are heading back to the Burrow now. Harry, you must come too. How are you feeling now You-Know- Who is one?" he said.

"I feel alright, thanks Mr Weasley. I was wondering if I could talk to you later?" Harry asked. Mr Weasley looked puzzeled but said ok. Harry and Ginny started to walk to the rest of the Weasleys. Mrs Weasley was covering Fred's body with a clean white sheet while Ron,Hermione,Percy and George wached, tears gilstening in their eyes. Suddenly, George threw himself onto Fred and sobbed loudly. Nobody tried to comfort him. What could they say to him? The person he cared the most about was dead. He was gone forever. Mrs Weasley kneeled down beside her sons on the floor and patted  George's back. 

"Come on dear. We have to go home now." she said.

"I won't leave him here!! I WONT!!!" he shouted. "He may be dead but he is still my brother!!" 

Ginny started to silently cry, along with the rest of the family and Ron and Hermione. Mr Weasley told everybody to hold onto his arm as he apparated them all back to the Burrow. Fred's lifeless body came too because George still had his hand clasped onto Fred's. Harry looked at Ron and Hermione and gave them a look that seemed to say it's all my fault. Ginny seemed to have seen this becuse she then said

"Harry James Potter! This is not your fault. And don't you dare think that it is or I will Bat Bogey Hex you into the next century." she said pulling his body and face to face her.

" This is anything far from you fault. If we are going to blame people, we should be blaming Voldemort." she said quietly, in a tone nobody dared to argue with. She turned and ran out, crying. Harry took one look at the others and turned and ran out after her.  He ran down to the stream that ran down at the bottom of the Burrow's massive garden. Sure enoughm, as he got closer, he saw a girl with flaming red hair sitting in a pile of red and gold leaves. He walked down the bank to her and sat down.

"Ginny I'm here. It's ok to cry." he said as he pulled her into a hug. She returned it and looked up into Harry's emerald green eyes. The green eyes meet Ginny's dark brown ones.

"I'm sorry for running out Harry. I just could'nt stand to see Fred and Geore like that. It brought back too many memories. I used to come down here with them all of the time when we were younger. We used to swim in the stream and make mud pies and have mud fights" she said. Harry felt touched that she had shared these stories with him. He felt like this was the time to ask her.

"Hey Gin, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me? You don't have too."

"But Harry I want to. Yes I wil go out with you. But now we have to go and tell the lovely Ronald." 

"Oh Shit." Harry muttered darkly.

What will Ron say? How will the family react? And what is up with Hermione and Ron? Find out in the next chapter!!!!

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